“My great-grandfather fought in World War I, my grandfather fought in World War II, my dad fought in Vietnam and I love taking naps,” Grant Lyon says in a YouTube video. When he’s awake, though, the stand-up comedian gets his kicks throwing people off guard. He tells the audience about moving his girlfriend’s belongings to reinforce her fear of a live-in ghost, and later recalls shocking her bigoted grandfather by mentioning an interracial homosexual romp in college. Strangers aren’t off-limits either for Lyon, who fantasizes about publishing elaborate fake obituaries on people he selects from the phone book. “Alfred Murray, this is going to be a weird weekend for you,” he wisecracks. Funny Business at The Millroom presents a show by Lyon on Friday, April 15, at 8 p.m. $10/$12. ashevillemillroom.com. Photo courtesy of the comedian
Smart bets: Grant Lyon

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