When a band of pirates sees Jeremy Jacob building an impressive sand castle, they recruit the child for a critical task: selecting the perfect spot to bury treasure. That’s the plot of Melinda Long’s humorous children’s book, How I Became a Pirate, which Asheville Creative Arts is reinventing onstage. Reed Atherton, an 11-year-old, stars as the buccaneers’ newly appointed digging consultant in his ACA debut. “Including Reed goes to the heart of the theme of play and ACA’s mission, in which a young person’s imagination presents a portal to a world where anything is possible,” says the organization’s co-founder, Abby Felder. Performances of the musical — directed and choreographed by ACA co-founder Robbie Jaeger — are at The Magnetic Theatre Friday to Sunday, Aug. 5 to 7, and Thursday to Sunday, Aug. 11 to 14, at various times. $23 adults/$12 children 12 and younger. ashevillecreativearts.org. Photo by Mary Beth Atherton
Smart bets: How I Became a Pirate

I’ll bet if they ever turn that book into a movie, it’ll be rated Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Sorry- it was too good to pass up.
Ohhhhh dear.