“As Asheville and Western North Carolina rapidly change, bluegrass is looked at as one of the last vestiges of real Southern Appalachian culture,” says Garret K. Woodward, arts and entertainment editor of The Smoky Mountain News and music editor of Smoky Mountain Living. Woodward’s latest job description is author of If You Can’t Play, Get Off the Stage: Bluegrass in Western North Carolina and Beyond. His debut work explores the rich history and future of Appalachian bluegrass through the voices of icons of the art. “[Bluegrass] is the living, breathing story of the past, present and hopeful future of this region, one that encompasses the economic strife and social unrest, the glorious landscapes and singular characters that roam these parts,” Woodward says. He will present the book on Wednesday, July 12, at 7 p.m. at Malaprop’s. Free. malaprops.com
Smart bets: If You Can’t Play, Get Off the Stage

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