Asheville-based roots rocker Paul Edelman, pictured, has had a productive final few months of 2018. The frontman for Jangling Sparrows recently played his first Jam By Day over the Christmas Jam weekend and released the single “Highway Jawn” from the band’s forthcoming album just before Thanksgiving. The group has also been experiencing some lineup changes and will be introducing a new rhythm section and full band shows in the new year. Over on the Jangling Sparrows’ Facebook page, Edelman says, “Been working hard with my buddy Dave Baker on a top-notch duo performance for you. He’s putting some lush, tight harmonies and moody, pulsing bass drops on new, unreleased music and choice cuts from all three releases.” The pair take to Isis Music Hall’s upstairs lounge space on Saturday, Dec. 29, for a 7 p.m. show. $10 advance/$12 day of show. Photos courtesy of the band
Smart Bets: Jangling Sparrows Duo

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