Productions of Shakespeare’s works have long been known for their gender-bending execution — boys powdered and wigged, men decked in tights — but rarely do the genders bend the other way. The Montford Park Players bring Julius Caesar to the limelight with a twist: an all-female cast. The political play comes at a poignant time. “Women are participating in the electoral process at higher levels and in more visible ways than ever before in our democratic republic,” says Jane Hallstrom, who plays the part of Caesar. “Our all-female production highlights the responsibility each of us, man or woman, must assume to preserve our country from passions gone awry.” The Montford Park Players will perform their free rendition of the Shakespearean classic at the BeBe Theatre from Friday, Nov. 4, to Sunday, Nov. 20, at 7:30 p.m. Photo courtesy of Montford Park Players
Smart bets: Julius Caesar

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