“After emerging through the baptism of fire of the Melbourne metal scene, King Parrot [has] pillaged [its] way to international recognition in a short period, since beginning in 2010,” reads a release from the band. That missive credits the musicians’ success to ferocious live shows that “raise eyebrows and beer mugs alike.” Now the musicians are on the road in support of sophomore release, Dead Set (produced by Phil Anselmo of Pantera), but they’ll break from that Superjoint Ritual Tour for an Asheville pitstop full of “energy, aggression and hilarity,” the band says. “It’s just a damn fun heavy metal show.” Detroit-based post-punk, experimental outfit Child Bite opens for the thrash artists at The Odditorium on Monday, July 20, at 9:30 p.m. $8/$10. facebook.com/ashevilleodditorium. Photo courtesy of the band
Smart bets: King Parrot

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