“There are gonna be a lot of smiles onstage and for good reason,” says Asheville guitarist Taylor Martin of his upcoming show at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall. Local music luminaries Lyndsay Pruitt (fiddle), Drew Matulich (mandolin) and Rick Cooper (upright bass) comprise Martin’s band, and drummer Josh Mulligan will also join the musical combo onstage. “Not only are these guys and gal absolutely phenomenal musicians, but they are some of my best friends on Earth,” says Martin. The evening’s performance celebrates the recent release of Martin’s sophomore album, Heartache or Bust, which he calls a fresh and more mature followup to his 2009 debut, Engine. Martin’s favorite songwriter, Amanda Anne Platt of the Honeycutters, opens the show at Isis on Saturday, Jan. 10, at 8:30 p.m. $8/$10. isisasheville.com. Photo of Martin by Scott Woody
Smart bets: Taylor Martin

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