“She’s just a complete monster of a woman. Very powerful, very strong,” drummer Jonathan Wolf told Xpress in 2014, describing his wife and bandmate Carley Wolf. That instinct for empowerment may explain the spirited female characters that pepper the band’s upbeat yet gritty, sassy yet approachable brand of rock. The Austin-based couple’s latest effort, Man, Woman, Beast, marks their first full-length album and offers “more of a complete picture of where we are at as a band,” according to Jonathan. And after 20 nearly consecutive gigs, the quirky twosome’s final pit stop is exciting for multiple reasons. “We love playing The Odditorium, and our favorite stop in Asheville is Amazing Savings — so many awesome snacks!” The Ghost Wolves wrap up their U.S. romp at The Odditorium on Sunday, May 3, at 9 p.m. $5 at the door ($7 under 21). ashevilleodditorium.com. Photo by Tina Machina
Smart bets: The Ghost Wolves

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