The Record Company writes high-energy, roots- and blues-tinted rock — the kind that makes you want to whip around Southern back roads in a Subaru or down a Miller Lite. At least that’s the hope of those companies, which, among many others, have harnessed the band’s feel-good flavor in ads. “It’s cool to have a song in a commercial for my dad’s favorite beer,” says frontman Chris Vos, who grew up on a farm before moving to Los Angeles. In a living room in that city, the trio writes and records its high-octane road songs before touring. “I always think of a performance as one less time onstage — not one more. … So we try to play our guts out, leave it all on the table and have fun doing it.” Catch the band at The Grey Eagle on Wednesday, June 8, at 8 p.m. $10/$12. Photo by Jacob Blickenstaff
Smart bets: The Record Company

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