Conscious Party: Costume Drama Fashion Show

UPCYCLED ELEGANCE: Model Brittany-Nicole Nicholson poses in an original design by Heather Frankl during last year's Costume Drama Fashion Show. Designers creatively showcase unique materials in categories such as "light," "ribbon" and "trashion" and compete for overall Best in Show. Photo by Max Ganly Photography.

WHAT: A fashion show benefit for Asheville Community Theatre

WHEN: Friday, July 7, 7:30 p.m.

WHERE: Renaissance Hotel

WHY: Music blares from the speakers, the final touches to hair and makeup are done, and the first model struts onto the catwalk wearing…. a dress made out of trash?!

Now in its sixth year, the annual Costume Drama: A Fashion Show benefit for the Asheville Community Theatre returns July 7. Designers can choose from four different categories and create an original, wearable garment from the material, says Jenny Bunn, marketing director at ACT. Crowd-favorite design categories “light” and “paper” are back; and “ribbon” and “trashion” competitions will make their runway debut.

“We just have no idea what we’ll see,” Bunn says. “We’ll sometimes hear little bits from designers, but often we will have not seen a full look until the night of the show. It’s thrilling to see it and have the same reaction as the audience sees when a dress is revealed — it’s magic.”

New this year is a panel of five judges to crown the category and Best in Show winners, as well as a VIP pre-party at the Top of the Plaza event space at the Renaissance prior to the show. Bunn hopes the changes appeal to the crowd — as the ACT’s primary fundraising event, the theater ideally hopes to raise $15,000 for general maintenance.

“It’s jaw-dropping to see all the creations they come up with,” Bunn says. “You just never know what you’re going to see, except you know you’re going to see something unique and amazing.”

Costume Drama: A Fashion Show begins at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, July 7. General admission tickets cost $35, VIP tickets are $125 and include an open bar, appetizers and priority seating. To purchase, visit


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About Molly Horak
Molly Horak served as a reporter at Mountain Xpress. Follow me @molly_horak

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