One veggie-burger at a time?

People need to take responsibility for the food they eat and the consequences of its production. As for going veggie to save the world from the perils of global warming, you can take my bacon cheeseburger when you pry it from my cold, dead hands. Seriously though, if you really want to save the planet, […]

And the list goes on

The article “Fighting Mad: Carolina Stompers Grab Headlines, Make Enemies” [Dec. 5] was an absolute riot. Actually, I’m a little surprised it wasn’t included in the Asheville Disclaimer section. On the national level, George W. Bush’s machine of corruption has done more than its share to solidify the demise of the Republican Party in the […]

The case of the Double Ds

DoDos? DODOS?! What are you, retahded? I grew up in Massachusetts, have eaten more Dunkin’ Donuts than any healthy human being ought to, and even worked the morning shift at Boston’s Kenmore Square location during my college years (highlights included serving a cruller to former Mayor Kevin White and a cup of black coffee to […]

Two nonos do not a DoDo make

I just read a fellow Masshole’s letter about the purported Dunkin’ Donuts nickname “Dodos” [“Nono on Dodo,” Dec. 5], and I have to agree that I’ve never heard it before. I consulted with two other fellow Massachusetts natives, and they too were puzzled by the supposed moniker. Mr. Millard cites Natick and Framingham as former […]

Putting down the Xpress

In the Nov. 28 issue, Mountain Xpress stated the verified pick-up rate of their publication. This has absolutely no verification of the reading percentage! Now that you have fired the best columnist you’ve ever had, I may pick up a weekly copy to clip out the Calendar of Events only, and virtually no scanning of […]


Since becoming parents, dinner-and-movie more often is take-out and a DVD. Until recently this caused a dilemma. My favorite food came packaged in petroleum-based Styrofoam. All that has changed. Heiwa Shokudo has eliminated the bulky, nonrecyclable, nonbiodegradable material, opting to package their superb Tuna Spicy Garlic and other menu items in a sturdy pressed-paper product. […]

Growth should be respectful

Should a new 300-unit apartment complex be allowed on Highway 74A in Reynolds? Not the one that is being proposed by the South Carolina developer to butt right up against my subdivision. This isn’t about snobbery. Our homes in The Cliffs are more modest than just about everything being built out here these days, and […]

Dreaming of a green Christmas

I am a recent graduate of UNC-Asheville, currently volunteering in an orphanage in Tanzania, East Africa. The only news source I have access to is Al-Jazeera, [which] Americans [are told] is merely radical propaganda and supports terrorism. But I have found it to be a reliable and candid source of news … particularly in its […]

Support humane euthanasia

The N.C. Board of Agriculture held a public hearing in Raleigh on July 18 regarding proposed changes to rules governing animal shelters. Four of us from Asheville made the trip to join approximately 200 people at the hearing, most of whom expressed their opposition to the inclusion of gas chambers as an acceptable form of […]

Heave Holt

The Holt Bill: The media rarely mention it; you’ve maybe never heard of it. Yet, it may be the most important bill in Congress this year. The Holt Bill was about election reform. The Holt Bill now disenfranchises us. It was supposed to fix the problems of the 2000 and 2004 elections. It started out […]

Be careful where you step

We all have a carbon “footprint.” Every time we use electricity, a car, or [a plane], we put carbon dioxide into the air. It’s a part of living—can’t be helped. But we can try to reduce our footprint by thoughtful actions: turning lights off, buying local produce, thinking twice about that trip. And most of […]

Panic Fans for Food

Panic Fans for Food is a nonprofit organization that is “Feeding People through Music.” Based in Black Mountain, the organization is devoted to assisting the hungry by raising food and money at Widespread Panic concerts throughout the country. The group is currently spearheading a food drive at local music venues The Orange Peel, The Grey […]

Good at being bad

Ozzy Osbourne used to kill puppies before his concerts. Alice Cooper passed around a goblet for audience members to spit into, and then drank from the overflowing cup. Marilyn Manson routinely shot dwarves in the head while reading verses from noted Satanist Anton LaVey’s books. These are some of the legends that surround these notorious […]

Global punks

World music in the 1960s and ‘70s basically revolved around anti-establishment heads and academic mavericks producing LPs full of raw and rare field recordings for Smithsonian Folkways, Ocora, Nonesuch Explorer and a handful of other pioneering labels dedicated to sonic and cultural exploration of long-isolated lands. Party like a Bedouin: A still from the Sublime […]

Breaking the band

Question: How many drummers does it take to screw in a light bulb? Answer: None, they’ve got a machine to do it now. And the beat goes on: Drummer Martin Atkins has worked with the likes of Ministry, Killing Joke and Public Image Ltd., but these days, he’s mostly interested in helping bands make the […]

Drawing the line

The impulse toward mark-making is ancient and ever present. Give a kid a crayon and watch the walls in his or her room blossom with lines. The Asheville Art Museum’s current exhibit, Lines of Discovery: American Drawings, takes a chronological look at drawing in America. Isabel Bishop’s “The Ashcan.” The Oxford American Dictionary defines drawing […]

A brain drain at UNCA?

Last spring, an institute that specializes in higher education set out to determine whether faculty of the University of North Carolina system are adequately compensated. This is a subject that stirs up heated debate in university communities: Are UNC campuses experiencing a brain drain because higher salaries outside the university system are drawing away top […]

Reform health care now!

What is the main reason our health-care system is failing us? A for-profit system of health care. By definition, private insurance makes money by charging high premiums, denying care and eliminating those with pre-existing conditions—those who need care the most. What do the presidential candidates propose? Their proposals are basically a reshuffling of the deck, […]

Nono on dodo

I was very interested in the article on Dunkin Donuts but puzzled by the title, “Going Cuckoo over DoDos” [The Biz, Nov. 20]. I grew up in Massachusetts, the birthplace and Mecca of Dunks. So Millard’s following statement got me to scratch my head with bewilderment: “The Massuchusetts-based chain … is drawing … gobs of […]

Beat those trees

I’m writing in response to Ken Hanke’s side-splitting review [Nov. 20 Xpress] of Robert Zemeckis’ new film Beowulf. While I have no bones to pick with his panning of this latest Hollywood blockbuster, I would like to clarify a point in defense of the original Beowulf. Mr. Hanke writes: “As far as I’m concerned Beowulf […]