ArtsAVL opens application for Asheville’s event support grant

From ArtsAVL:


Between September 9 and October 14, eligible nonprofit organizations can apply for financial support for events that are free, open to the public, and permitted within Asheville’s streets, parks, and outdoor public spaces. Grants typically range from $3,000-$10,000, but the amount can vary depending on the organization’s needs. The City of Asheville Event Support Grant is facilitated by ArtsAVL, the City’s contracted administrator of the grant program.

The Event Support Grant provides a competitive process for non-profit organizations to receive financial support for events. Proposals that increase exposure to the arts and promote a high quality of life for residents within the community through arts programming will receive priority. Last year’s grant-funded events included arts festivals, arts and culture series, concerts, and block parties.

The program’s goal is to preserve public arts and cultural programming within Asheville’s outdoor public spaces through the provision of financial assistance for community events that promote cultural heritage, diversity, and the creative arts. “Keeping the arts at the heart of our community is ArtsAVL’s mission,” shared Katie Cornell, Executive Director of ArtsAVL. “We are proud to partner with the City of Asheville through this grant and other initiatives to make programs like these possible and accessible for our community to enjoy.”

Funds will be dispersed as reimbursements after the event takes place and are restricted to:

  • Application fees and alcohol permit fees
  • Property use fees
  • Street closure permit fees
  • Temporary use permit fees (structural/electrical/fire)
  • Transit impact fees
  • Barricade and cone rentals
  • Parking closure fees

Awards will be announced in mid-November, and programs may take place between January 1 and December 31, 2025. Apply and find more information – including full eligibility guidelines – at ArtsAVL is proud to administer the Event Support Grant on behalf of the City of Asheville.


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