Asheville Zombiewalk rises again

Press release from The Resurrected Stepchildren of George Romero:

Asheville, prepare to become lunch. Zombies are on the move again!

Help us spread the zombie infection during the 11th annual Asheville Zombiewalk in downtown Asheville. The living dead will gather in Aston Park on Sunday, October 9, beginning at 5:30pm.

“Put on your most gruesome makeup and your walking shoes!” says event organizer Jim MacKenzie. “Zombies will not only be gathering, but will be walking through downtown Asheville. We welcome everyone to shamble safely with us along the streets.”

From Aston Park, zombies will be guided down sidewalks, obeying traffic directions, to an end point downtown. From there zombies are free to disperse and infect all of downtown with their undead spirit. Be sure to check out our after party at the Byrish Haus & Pub (formerly Patton Public House), 1341 Patton Avenue, from 7:00–11:00pm.

The Asheville Zombiewalk requests all participants to please be safe, use common sense, and avoid illegal activities during the walk. It’s fun, it’s a spectacle, but the law still applies to our “walkers”.

The Asheville Zombiewalk is committed to remaining fun for the whole family. And it’s always free. We look forward to seeing a great group of zombies of all ages.

And finally, we need you! If you would like to volunteer as a zombie crossing guard, fill out our volunteer form or contact us at to join the Shuffle Patrol. There will be a crew after-party for all volunteers!

About the Asheville Zombiewalk

The Asheville Zombiewalk meets in Aston Park on Sunday, October 9 at 5:30pm. Everyone is invited to make yourself look rotten and bring your fellow horde. We’ll be walking from there 10-12 blocks to an endpoint downtown.

Are you looking for a family friendly alternative for after the Zombiewalk that does not include a downtown bar? Head to the Byrish Haus & Pub (formerly Patton Public House), 1341 Patton Avenue, from 7:00–11:00pm. They will have food, live Halloween music, fun games, and more on their large, fenced back patio. Bring towels for picnic-type event seating and come in costume for a chance to win valuable prizes!

Visit the Asheville Zombiewalk’s website at for event details or follow us on Facebook at For questions or interviews, contact


About Able Allen
Able studied political science and history at Warren Wilson College. He enjoys travel, dance, games, theater, blacksmithing and the great outdoors. Follow me @AbleLAllen

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