Bandit Flight Team scheduled to fly over Hendersonville Labor Day weekend

Press release from the City of Hendersonville:

Hendersonville, NC (August 9, 2021) – Over Labor Day weekend the Bandit Flight Team will be flying over Downtown Hendersonville once again in an aerial salute to America. On Saturday, September 4, 2021, six planes will fly in formation above Main Street at noon. A patriotic musical tribute on the Historic Courthouse stage will coincide with the flyover.

The Bandit Flight Team’s first pass will begin at the Triangle Stop on the north end of Main and travel south toward the historic Henderson County Courthouse. A second pass will travel in the opposite direction complete with a ‘bomb burst’ maneuver over the city followed by a circling of downtown.

“The Bandit Flight Team is excited to be a part of the 75th North Carolina Apple Festival,” said Jim Kilpatrick, Team Leader with the Bandit Flight Team. “When the parade and other pieces of the street fair had to be canceled last year, our team was still able to provide a parade in the sky. This year we are thrilled to return and fly over the Apple Festival. If you are downtown, be sure to look up at noon on Saturday. There will be quite a show in the sky.”

The Bandit Flight Team is a nonprofit organization dedicated to recognizing and honoring military men and women. The team of highly trained and experienced formation pilots specializes in patriotic event flyovers. Hendersonville’s North Carolina Apple Festival flyover is sponsored by Triangle Stop Food Stores.

More information about the Bandit Flight Team is available at Details about the NC Apple Festival can be found at Media inquiries about the Bandit Flight Team may be directed to Jim Kilpatrick at or (919) 481- 4481.

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