Buncombe officials give disaster preparedness tips

News release from Buncombe County:

While we live in a beautiful, temperate rainforest in Buncombe County, we are not without natural and manmade hazards that can interrupt our response systems and households in the event of an emergency. We are actively in hurricane season and with heavy rains on the way, now is the time to take steps to be Buncombe Ready.

To strengthen community resilience, officials are promoting these pillars of preparedness:

  • Build a Kit: Assemble essential supplies, equipment, and food for at least seven days for all family members. Keep kits at home, work, and in vehicles. The kit should include non-perishable food and bottled water (1 gallon per person per day), first-aid supplies and medications, flashlights, extra batteries, and a portable phone charger, important documents (insurance papers, IDs) stored in waterproof bags, sanitation supplies (soap, wipes, garbage bags), and pet supplies. Click here for a printable list.
  • Make a Plan: Develop a family emergency plan outlining communication strategies and meeting locations. Does your household have a well or septic system? Do you have a generator and know how to safely operate a backup power supply?
  • Stay Informed: Ensure you receive timely emergency alerts by signing up for BC Alerts. Visit www.buncombeready.org to sign up for BC Alerts. You will need to enteryour phone number and email address to receive alerts. Be aware that emergency response agencies will use multiple platforms to reach those who are most at risk. These methods can include BC Alerts, IPAWS, social media, radio, and TV station alerts.
  • Get Engaged: Participate in local response and recovery efforts should opportunities become available. It’s also important to keep up with the different types of hazards that impact our community such as high heat, air quality, wildfire danger, high-risk areas of flooding, and code purple alerts for cold weather.
  • Know Your Hazards: Identify potential threats and take steps to mitigate risks. Some of the more common hazards that could impact residents in our area are flooding, landslides, icy roads, and wildfires, to name a few.
  • Learn a Skill: Acquire essential skills like CPR, first aid, and fire extinguisher use. Check with your local red cross or emergency management team to get connected to local resources.

Disaster response and preparedness require strong federal-state-local coordination and partnership. When disasters strike, county officials and emergency responders play a critical role in the immediate response and longer-term efforts to help communities and residents recover. It takes all of us to be Buncombe Ready by taking these proactive steps today.

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