Burial releases new bottle series

Burial Beer Co. is bottling a new series of small-batch beers created on the company’s original one-barrel system. Wolf Moon, a rose-hip imperial stout, will be released on Friday, Jan. 30. The February installment is Snow Moon, a wine-barrel-aged wit.

Each of the 750-milliliter bottles will come with a trinket unique to that specific month. The cost will be $16 each.

Following is a press release about the new series from Burial:

Starting Friday January 30, 2015, Burial Beer Co. will be bottling and releasing a different beer each month. these beers are small batch beers made on our one-barrel pilot system.

January- Wolf Moon- rose-hip imperial stout.

Each bottle will be adorned with a special and unique trinket each month. 750ml bottles at $16/each. limit 2 per person. we open at 2PM on Fridays. No holds or pre-sale.

Next month’s release:
February – Snow Moon- Wine barrel Aged wit.

Burial Beer Co. is located at 40 Collier Avenue.
 Current hours of operation:

Tuesday -Thursday 4-10PM, Friday + Saturday 2-10PM Sunday 12-8PM w/ Jazz Brunch


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