Conserving Carolina Spring Photo Contest Celebrates Habitat at Home

Press release from Conserving Carolina

Conserving Carolina’s annual Habitat at Home photo contest encourages people to celebrate the nature around their home—and to actively restore habitat for wild things.

Nature isn’t only meant for preserves and parks. It should be in the places we live, work, and play. So whether it be a bobcat, butterfly, bird, or bee, show off what you’re doing and what you’re seeing around your home this spring! You can also submit photos from your school, house of worship, community garden, or other places in your community.

The photo contest begins April 1 and will run through May 15. The local conservation nonprofit is looking for photos or videos that show any of these three things: 1) native plants in gardens or landscaping, 2) projects to improve habitat where you live, or 3) wildlife that you see at or near your home. Wildlife can include both small and large animals—so it could be anything from bugs to bears. You can enter as many times as you like during the six-week contest.

To enter, post your photo or video on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #habitatathome2022. It must be a public post. If you’re not on social media, you can submit entries by email to After the submission period ends on May 15, a panel of expert photographers will select five finalists. The contest winner will then be chosen through online voting.

We’re inspired by local farmer and educator, Kim Bailey, who says, “Planting a seed is one of the most hopeful things you can do. And when you get the plant and the butterfly actually comes and lays her eggs on it or uses it for nectar, you see, ‘It worked!’ You’re asking people to do something that helps the environment but you’re also giving them a way to experience joy and beauty… Everyone wants to do something to help, but it’s a happy thing that you’re doing and it doesn’t feel like a sacrifice. It’s contagious. It’s an empowering thing and it’s a joyful thing.”

The grand prize is a two-hour professional landscape consultation donated by noted local landscape architect, Mark Byington of Byington Landscape Architects, known for his emphasis on sustainable landscapes. All other finalists will win garden-themed prizes donated by local businesses including New Leaf Garden Market, Raymond’s Garden Center, and Milkweed Meadows Farm.

For full contest details, head to

Conserving Carolina is a local land trust that has protected over 47,000 acres, primarily in Henderson, Polk, Transylvania, and Rutherford counties in N.C. and the Landrum, S.C. area. It has also helped to create over 35 miles of trails and five local greenways. The mission of Conserving Carolina is to protect, restore and inspire appreciation of the natural world. To become a member or volunteer, go to

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