Dog Days at the Veterans Healing Farm

Press release from Veterans Healing Farm:

Veterans Healing Farm (VHF) is excited to announce Service Dog Training in collaboration with the Warrior Canine Connection (WCC) of Asheville. Classes will take place at the VHF, located at 38 Yale Rd., Hendersonville, NC from April 6 to May 26th, weekly on Wednesdays from 2:30-4:00. There are four spots available with each veteran having their own dog to train. “This is the first class in what we hope will be an ongoing program,” said Al Yeck, Executive Director for the VHF.

WCC utilizes a Mission Based Trauma Recovery model to help recovering Warriors reconnect with life, their families, their communities, and each other. Warrior trainers are taught to praise and provide treats to their dogs when they experience a startling event, such as hearing a car backfire. Rather than turning inward to focus on their past trauma, the trainers must get outside of their own heads to focus on the dogs and their mission to help another Veteran. Additionally, dogs offer opportunities for Warrior trainers – who often isolate themselves from society – to experience positive interactions with members of the community. Their training requires emotionally numb Warriors to demonstrate positive emotion in order to successfully teach their dogs.

Warriors participating in the program have reported that using these positive emotions to praise their dogs has significantly improved their family dynamics, as their children are able to experience and respond to this positive parenting strategy.

For more information or to register please contact the VHF at

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