Dogwood Health Trust releases 2023 annual report

Press release from Dogwood Health Trust:

Today Dogwood Health Trust releases its annual report for 2023 called “See Possibilities” – a theme inspired by the transformational ways that more than 300 grantee organizations are leading efforts to improve the health and wellbeing of all people and communities in Western North Carolina.

In 2023, Dogwood supported those efforts by investing $88 million in grants and impact investments to strategic and integrated priorities of community equity, economic opportunity, education, health and wellness, and housing throughout the year. Dogwood also made future, multi-year commitments exceeding $92 million to ensure and sustain healthy, strong and vibrant communities in the years to come.

“As a private foundation focused on the long-term health, wellbeing and growth of Western North Carolina, we work alongside our grantee partners to bring what’s possible to life,” said Dr. Susan Mims, CEO of Dogwood Health Trust. “Our region is rich in resources, especially the committed local leaders who create connections and expand opportunities for their neighbors.”

The annual report shares several stories of how Dogwood’s grantee partners make Western North Carolina more economically stable and inclusive, better housed and educated and stronger and healthier – from community revitalization, early childhood education and workforce development to substance use disorder treatment and support, the work is creative, caring, connected and collaborative.

Beyond grantmaking, Dogwood convened cohorts of funded partners to support learning and collaboration around access to capital, early childhood education, community health workers, oral health, and opioid settlement planning. This kind of additional support is something grantees ask of Dogwood because of the benefits of shared experiences, learning from experts and one another, and working together on shared challenges. The cohorts also help Dogwood to be a strategic funding partner across the region. For instance, because of what Dogwood heard in community, cohorts also formed on digital access and opportunities, policy and advocacy and justice-oriented recovery in 2024.

“The entire Dogwood board and team is pleased to support and collaborate with the incredible leaders and organizations creating a region where everyone can live, learn, earn and thrive. Together we are creating possibilities for children, families and communities for the years to come,” said Mims.

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