Elizabeth House expands care to serve COVID-19 patients

Press release from Four Seasons:

For over 40 years, Four Seasons has provided quality care to our community and we continue to be committed to co-creating the care that you and your loved ones need and deserve during this time. Commitment to our community continues to expand across all of the communities we are honored to serve, and one most recent expansion of care is at our inpatient unit in Flat Rock, NC.

Due to the COVID-19 related needs across our service area, we have expanded our services at Elizabeth House, our Inpatient Unit, to now have a fully dedicated and isolated hall for COVID positive patients, while ensuring protection of our general inpatient and respite patients, their families, and our staff. This hallway has a private entrance and will be managed by a select separate group of staff members.

Vice President of Medical Services and Hospice Medical Director, Dr. Ashley Albers, DO states “It is always an honor for our Four Seasons team to care for any patient at any time, and especially now to provide the same trusted care to COVID positive patients during this unprecedented time.  Our goal throughout this pandemic has been and will continue to be to care for anyone challenged by a serious illness, including COVID positive patients while maintaining the highest standards to ensure we are keeping our staff and community safe.  The changes we have made at Elizabeth House will help us accomplish these goals. Now and into the future, we will continue to provide excellent care for all who need Four Seasons.”

See the specifics around our expanded commitment at Elizabeth House below.

  • COVID positive patients and those suspected to be positive will be isolated to 1 wing of Elizabeth House, which is fully separated from the rest of the building and includes its own private entrance.
  • A separate set of staff will be taking care of COVID positive patients
  • All patients, visitors, and staff will maintain social distancing to protect everyone inside Elizabeth House
  • Four Seasons has adequate PPE and is taking every necessary measure to protect the patients and families we serve as well as our staff and volunteers.
  • All staff and visitors are screened for possible infection upon entry to Elizabeth House.
  • Staff are not working if they have any symptoms potentially related to COVID-19.

President and CEO, Dr. Millicent Burke-Sinclair, Ed.D says “Compassion, Honor, and Dignity are pillars that guide the care we provide. Thank you for your trust in allowing us to care for you and your loved one during this unprecedented time.”

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