Following severe storms, 25 families across the Greater Carolinas Region receiving Red Cross assistance

Press release from Greater Carolinas Region of the Red Cross:

On April 13, 2020, a strong storm traveled through the Greater Carolinas Region, causing flooding, mudslides, downed trees, power outages, and a tornado. Red Cross is responding to requests for assistance scattered across our 51-county region. Calls continue to come in and our teams are actively responding to assist displaced families.

Due to enhanced precautions to avoid the spread of the Coronavirus, our disaster responders are assisting impacted families virtually.

Six families are receiving sheltering in Boone. Two individuals are being sheltered in Asheville.

As of 5:10PM, we are aiding 25 families across 14 counties.

Initial reports show 30 homes sustained major damage or were destroyed. We are continuing to assess reports of home damage.

We will continue to provide updates as information becomes available.

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