Fourth of July anti-nationalist community bike ride

Press release from Asheville Anarchist Assembly: 

On July 4th, in Montford Park community members will gather with their bikes to ride through the streets of downtown Asheville in an action of collective resistance to the american history of violent oppression at home and worldwide. Especially in the present climate of rising white nationalism, attacks on indigenous sovereignty, and disregard for impending climate disaster, we will make it known that we reject this holiday and its gratuitous flag-waving propaganda.

This event is being organized by the Asheville Anarchist Assembly, a space for people fighting for liberation to network and collaborate along the principles of mutual aid, horizontalism, direct action, and autonomy.

What is critical mass? “Bicyclists spontaneously come together to ride the ordinarily car-clogged streets of their cities. Critical Mass focuses on the rights of bicyclists and the rights of pedestrians on our own streets. It also brings attention to the deteriorating quality of life — starting with the toxic levels of air and noise pollution — that cars create for cities.”(

In a critical mass gathering, people reclaim the streets for the people by riding their bikes in a large group. Though this so-called holiday already transforms the typical city-wide flow of car traffic to and from places of employment, our critical mass will reflect to those in the city there to celebrate a day of violent and oppressive nationalism that there are alternative ways to live and empower our communities.

We invite everyone to participate in our day of community strength and self-defense. Bring your bike to Montford Park (on Cumberland Avenue, look for tennis courts!) at 5:30pm on Tuesday night. The ride will be approximately five miles long and will return to Montford Park for music, homemade popsicles, and community fun times. This is a no drop ride (i.e. no one left behind)! Even if you are not up for or able to cycle, you are invited to meet us at the park for festivities before, during and after the ride! Show your opposition to war and eco-devastation in this pedal-powered parade!

If you need a bike visit the Recyclery (below the French Broad Food Co-op on Biltmore Avenue downtown) or the Bicycle Thrift Shop (89 Thompson St, Unit F) to find an affordable ride.

About Thomas Calder
Thomas Calder received his MFA in Fiction from the University of Houston's Creative Writing Program. His writing has appeared in Gulf Coast, the Miracle Monocle, Juked and elsewhere. His debut novel, The Wind Under the Door, is now available.

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