Girls on the Run 5k goes virtual

Press release from Girls on the Run:

In order to keep participants safe and to encourage social distancing, Girls on the Run of WNC will host a virtual 5K in lieu of an in-person event this season. A virtual 5K can be run or walked from any location during the weeklong event, providing an opportunity for anyone to join in the fun and celebrate a healthy lifestyle. At any time from Saturday, June 20 to Saturday, June 27, participants can walk or run indoors on a treadmill or outside in a neighborhood. Registrants can go at their own pace, create their own start time and cross their own finish line!

“The virtual 5K gives everyone a chance to celebrate the resilience of the 589 girls who signed up for our program this spring. We hope the community will support them by also signing up to run the virtual 5K, donating to our program and offering messages of support to the girls,” said GOTR of WNC Executive Director Karen Wallace-Meigs.

Registration is free but participants can opt to add a donation to help support GOTR of WNC in inspiring and teaching girls across Western North Carolina to live active, joyful lives. More information on the virtual 5K can be found at

WHAT: Girls on the Run of WNC Virtual 5K

WHERE: Anywhere
WHEN: Saturday, June 20-27, 2020
COST: Free

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