Open enrollment for ACA health insurance enrollment extended to Dec. 18

Statement from U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services:

Dec 16, 2019 Affordable Care Act
Eligibility & enrollment

“CMS’s primary goal is to provide a seamless Open Enrollment experience for consumers and ensure that those Americans who want coverage offered through the Exchange can enroll in a plan. In an abundance of caution, to accommodate consumers who attempted to enroll in coverage during the final hours of Open Enrollment but who may have experienced issues, starting at 3:00PM EST today, December 16 we are extending the deadline to sign up for January 1 coverage until 3:00AM EST December 18. This additional time will give consumers the opportunity to come back and complete their enrollment for January 1 coverage. While the website and the call center remained open for business on December 15 with over half a million consumers enrolling throughout the day, some consumers were asked to leave their name at the call center.  Those consumers who have already left their contact information at the call center do not need to come back and apply during this extension because a call center representative will follow up with them later this week.”

– CMS Spokesperson

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