Movie Reviews


The Story: An impoverished Irish fisherman pulls a woman in with his net, and the question arises as to whether she's real or imaginary, or a mythical seal-woman known as a selkie. The Lowdown: Gentle fantasy and modernity collide in Neil Jordan's new film — one of the real pleasures of the summer movie season…

Charlie St. Cloud

The Story: A young man gives up his real life to spend quality time with the ghost of his brother. The Lowdown: A star vehicle that does its star — Zac Efron — no favors by trapping him in a nonsensical story that lacks characterization and depth.

Europa, Europa

Classic Cinema From Around the World will present Europa, Europa at 8 p.m. Friday, July 30, at Courtyard Gallery at their new location, Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., in Asheville's River Arts District. Info: 273-3332.


The Story: A CIA agent is accused of being a Russian spy and goes on the run. The Lowdown: This may be the silliest movie you'll see this year, but it is entertaining.


The Story: A man whose job is to steal information from people's dreams is charged with the task of instead using those dreams to implant an idea. The Lowdown: Dazzling, complex and with a surprisingly strong (especially considering the filmmaker) emotional core, Inception not only lives up to the hype, it largely surpasses it.

I Am Love

The Story: A middle-aged woman finds herself when she falls in love with her son's best friend. The Lowdown: A daringly honest, yet breathlessly and unabashedly operatic film that will not be to everyone's taste, but will dazzle and thrill viewers who are open to the experience it offers.


The Story: A middle-aged man finds his burgeoning romance with an attractive woman undermined by her overly attached grown son. The Lowdown: It's the mumblecore mind-set applied to a somewhat different story and with better actors than usual, but the result is still reels and reels of not very interesting talk adrift in crude cinematic…

I Am Comic


It’s been said to dissect comedy is like trying to wrestle it to the floor and break its arm—the point being, of course, that explaining what makes a thing funny will almost certainly render it unfunny. Fortunately, that doesn’t happen with Jordan Brady’s documentary I Am Comic, a film that tries less to explain what […]

King of Hearts


Even though it’s only been about a year since King of Hearts (1966) was run locally, it’s nice to see this early cult classic (maybe the first film deserving that accolade) being remembered. The film seems a little less of a groundbreaker today, and its soft tone has caused it to be severely downgraded in […]