NY Times crossword 0923

NY Times crossword 0923. Oops! Regrettably, Mountain Xpress accidentally reprinted the previous week’s crossword in this week’s paper. However, in an attempt to remedy the mistake we are publishing the correct puzzle here online in a printable document format so that you can print it at home. Click the above link to get the crossword.

Howl-O-Ween: It’s not just for humans

Halloween costumes aren’t just for people anymore! Increasingly, pet caretakers are dressing up their furry family members and taking them out on the town for this spooktacular holiday.  Just in case you need some Halloween inspiration for your feline or Fido, we reached out to local animal rescue organizations and local business owners to showcase some […]

Faces in the crowd: WNC crowdfundi­ng initiative­s

Each week, Xpress highlights notable WNC crowdsourcing initiatives that may inspire readers to become new faces in the crowd. This week features a single mother’s sailing journey toward empowerment, a new hammock that holds 800 pounds worth of loungers and the third episode of Southern Songs and Stories, featuring Tellico.