2024 General Voter Guide: U.S. House 11

The race for U.S. House District 11 might be surprising this year, depending on which voters show up for the Nov. 5 election.

Democrat Caleb Rudow is challenging Republican Chuck Edwards in the predominantly Republican district, but if Rudow gets a surge of support in Asheville and other Democratic pockets, he could take the seat. But it is a long shot. Edwards won the seat in 2022 against Democrat Jasmine Beach-Ferrara, 53.8% to 44.5%. Edwards did not respond to repeated requests to participate in this year’s voter guide.

Editor’s note: Xpress reached out to this year’s candidates prior to the devastation our community experienced from Tropical Storm Helene. Please keep this in mind as you review our 2024 Voter Guide.

Chuck Edwards

Edwards did not respond to several requests for participation in the Xpress Voter Guide.

Caleb Rudow

Website: rudowforcongress.com/
Occupation: N.C. State House Representative, District 116
Previous candidacy or offices held: N.C. State House Representative, District 116
Key endorsements: Sierra Club, MomsRising — Child Care Seal of Approval, ERA-NC
Amount of money raised: $534,000
Top three donors: Andrew Glastein, Andrew Rumer, Virginia Hunneke

What specific federal funding do you intend to pursue on behalf of WNC projects? I plan to pursue federal funding to support workforce housing initiatives, ensuring that working families in Western North Carolina have access to safe and affordable homes. Additionally, I will seek funding to improve health care infrastructure and expand access to quality, affordable health care for all residents. Lastly, WNC is such a special place to live because of our environment. We need federal funding to conserve and protect our mountains, rivers and streams and to help the region transition to a clean-energy economy.

What policies do you support to address the high costs of living in WNC? 

I support policies that expand affordable housing options, including federal investments in housing construction and rental assistance programs. I also advocate for raising the minimum wage to $15 and reinstating the child tax credit to help working families. Additionally, I back policies that lower health care costs by expanding access through the Affordable Care Act and lowering prescription drug prices by allowing the federal government to negotiate prices. Finally, I believe in supporting small businesses and creating good-paying jobs to strengthen our local economy and improve overall affordability for WNC residents.

Reproductive rights: The Dobbs decision resulted in states setting different laws on reproductive health. What role should the federal government have in reproductive health care? The federal government should play a crucial role in protecting reproductive rights by codifying Roe v. Wade into law. This would ensure that all people, regardless of the state they live in, have access to safe and legal reproductive health care. The government must safeguard the right to make personal medical decisions without political interference, providing consistent protections for reproductive health across the country.

The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 restores federal oversight of state laws regarding voter access. What is your position on this bill? I fully support the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021. Restoring federal oversight of state voting laws is essential to protecting the fundamental right to vote, especially in areas where discriminatory practices have historically restricted voter access. This bill ensures fair and equal access to the ballot box for all Americans, preventing states from enacting laws that suppress voter participation and safeguarding our democracy.

Immigration: A bipartisan effort in 2024 proposed immigration policy reform and increased border security but failed at the last minute. What is your position on that legislation? I support a balanced approach to immigration reform that addresses both border security and a clear path to citizenship. The bipartisan border deal in the Senate this year failed because Republican politicians would rather use the border as a wedge issue than fix it, but I still believe comprehensive immigration reform is possible if politicians sit down with each other and focus on solutions. We need policies that humanely strengthen border security, while also creating a fair, efficient process for immigrants who contribute to our economy and communities.

Should the federal government fund its allies in foreign wars? I believe America has a role to play to support our allies on the global stage, to support NATO and stand up against authoritarianism. The federal government should carefully consider funding its allies in foreign wars based on strategic interests, humanitarian needs and international stability. Support should be provided when it aligns with U.S. values, helps protect global security and promotes peace. However, such funding must be transparent, accountable and paired with diplomatic efforts to seek peaceful resolutions and avoid prolonged conflicts.

What do you think the federal government should do to reduce gun violence? To reduce gun violence, the federal government should implement comprehensive gun reform measures, including universal background checks, closing loopholes for private and online gun sales, and enacting red-flag laws to prevent dangerous individuals from obtaining firearms. I also support reinstating the ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, which are often used in mass shootings. In addition, the government should invest in community-based violence prevention programs and mental health services to address the root causes of gun violence. These actions, combined with responsible gun ownership, can help make our communities safer.

Editor’s note: To look up which races you will vote for, visit avl.mx/6nq.


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About Pat Moran
As Mountain Xpress' City Reporter, I'm fascinated with how Asheville and its people work. Previously, I spent 25 years in Charlotte, working for local papers Creative Loafing Charlotte and Queen City Nerve. In that time I won three North Carolina Press Association Awards and an Emmy. Prior to that, I wrote and produced independent feature films in Orlando, Florida. Follow me @patmoran77

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