Election letters deadline

Graphic by Lori Deaton

Have an opinion about a local or regional candidate or election issue? For the best shot at seeing your letter make Xpress’ print issue before the March 3 primary, please send your missive by 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19, to letters@mountainx.com. See avl.mx/5ds for guidelines.


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8 thoughts on “Election letters deadline

  1. bsummers

    Will anyone in the press ask Tim Moffitt if he intends to restart the Water Wars if elected? Just a thought.

      • bsummers

        It might just be to try to retire that $88,000 of debt from his LAST campaign, $47,000 of which is owed to him personally.

        Or, he might just need a new gig. That executive recruiting company of his doesn’t seem to be doing so well. The website has been down for over a year.

        OR, he might really want to try to settle scores with the City of Asheville, and finish wrenching control of their water away from them. His pro-privatization wingman, Bill Brawley, is also running to reclaim his old seat, BTW.

        • NFB

          Well, he moved to Henderson County in order to run in a safe Republican district where he can pick fights with Asheville from a safe distance without having to worry about it costing him his seat. Remember, he had ambitions to be Speaker.

          As for the headhunter agency, I don’t know. He already has a new gig.


          • bsummers

            All the more reason to create a huge blue wave this year, and take back the NC House, if not the Senate. I doubt he’ll enjoy being in the minority party. Truth be told, the NCGOP has always been the minority party, but gerrymandering has allowed them to keep control. That may change because of the new maps the courts forced on them, finally.

            As for the real estate gig, I’m always a little doubtful about a company whose only “testimonials” come from two employees. “Gene Johnson” is his campaign treasurer and Moffitt Intl. attorney, and “Gary Ripta” also used to work at the recruiting company.


  2. NFB

    Well, the size of any blue wave is likely to be dependent on who heads the presidential ticket and I can’t say any of those in the primary look like a silver bullet right now. Sigh. Never underestimate Democrat’s ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but all of that is another topic.

    I had to go to Henderson County one day last week and I saw a yard sign in some subdivision near Fletcher that read “Homeowners For Moffitt.” Maybe it was his house, I dunno.

    I also don’t know much about his opponent in the primary at least in terms of his viability. As many Republicans as there are in Henderson County couldn’t they find a less blatant carpetbagger?

    • bsummers

      His opponent in the primary is a perennial also-ran. I don’t think anyone expects him to beat Moffitt.

      It seems like I remember the “homeowners” signs from his 2014 race. They showed up late.

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