Reflections on the life of Asheville native and longtime Xpress columnist Jerry Sternberg.

Reflections on the life of Asheville native and longtime Xpress columnist Jerry Sternberg.
“It also seems fitting to remember — in his own words — the man who started writing ‘The Gospel According to Jerry’ for this newspaper three decades ago.”
“I have seen in him exactly what all of our constituents need in a quality representative, no matter which side of the political aisle you’re on.”
Former Xpress reporter and managing editor Cecil Bothwell reflects on his first cover story for the paper and more.
“Asheville has certainly changed a lot, but having an independent local news source as a consistent presence is fortunate.”
Former Xpress advertising director Wanda Edney recalls the early years of the newspaper’s growth in WNC.
“[Distributing papers] is like putting gumballs in a jar,” Cindy Kunst explains. “Everyone has a different jar. My job is to spread the gumballs out over all the jars.”
Contributing editor Peter Gregutt reflects on Xpress’ beginnings and its unlikely 30-year journey.
Jeff Fobes reflects on how his life led him to a 30-year career as a newspaper publisher, first of GreenLine, now the Mountain Xpress.
“And Kiesa Kay’s insightful interview with co-founder Nancy Gavin about the Laps and Naps organization revealed the careful planning of the new sanctuary that will house senior cats during their golden years.”
“The local housing crisis is dire and certainly deserves front-page coverage, but it continues a trend of treating police officers differently than other people.”
“The issues we’re facing are related to corporate and management leadership decisions in service to profit.”
“It came to my attention that the local newspaper is promoting someone who is not a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians tribe.”
“We recommend our community rethink placing the onus on children, as this lead sentence conveys: ‘In Asheville, Black students have lagged behind their white counterparts in literacy for decades, according to test scores over time,’ and instead acknowledge the systems at work that push children to the margins.”
It’s time for local kids and teens to share their writing and art for Xpress’ 2024 Kids Issues.
“The Give!Local magazine included in the Mountain Xpress newspaper [Nov. 1] is such a great way to inform us of charities we might like to donate to during the holiday season.”
“We’ve found it extremely hard to find information on the candidates and issues.”
“I am hoping you will comment here on how to make sure your drivers are recycling the past week’s Xpress after delivering the new.”
“There’s no place in your ‘Best Of’ to identify the top three local villains. It serves no purpose and doesn’t serve our community in any way.”
“But perhaps we should ask those willing to pay $5 just to be entertained to alternatively consider giving those $5 to feed the hungry simply out of care and kindness for their fellow human beings who endure impoverishment, not always of their own doing.”
“I want to encourage all my Asheville friends who have been disparaging downtown to please come back. It’s beautiful and clean, and you need to be part of all this.”