All who have the ability need to reach out to their local representatives to advocate for fair districts reform. The current epidemic is a major concern right now, but time is running out for the General Assembly to pass legislation. With census efforts already impacted, we cannot afford to lose representation for hard-to-count communities that are often already disenfranchised in our electoral system.
My name is London Newton. I’m a student at UNC Asheville, and I ask that the North Carolina General Assembly pass a fair districts law that ensures we keep communities compact and whole in our districts, that doesn’t allow the use of political data or partisan objectives and provides citizen participation and transparency.
These are basic tenets of democracy that [they] have the responsibility and authority to defend in this especially important election cycle, which has the health and safety of our country riding on it.
— London Newton
Student Body President
UNC Asheville, 2020-21
Legislators don’t favor ‘fair’ districts, London. You havalot to learn…
Me. Enigma, cut the condescending crap, we all have a lot to learn.
London, thank you for drawing attention to a wrong that needs to be righted, even during this time while we are all distracted by Covid-19. The legislature needs to do the right thing and develop fair legislative districts that are constitutional.