Letter: Choose Sierra Club endorsees in Woodfin

Graphic by Lori Deaton

If you’d like to pass a much-needed steep slope ordinance, curb predatory development and expand opportunities for public input, vote E-M-T.

Woodfin town commissioner candidates Eric Edgerton, Jim McAllister and Hazel Thornton are endorsed by the Sierra Club and committed to open government practices and protecting our environment in Woodfin.

Make your three votes count on Nov. 2 and choose E-M-T. For more information, go to www.electhazelthornton.com.

— Holly Millsaps
Woodfin voter

Editor’s note: Millsaps reports volunteering on Hazel Thornton’s campaign.


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5 thoughts on “Letter: Choose Sierra Club endorsees in Woodfin

  1. MV

    The Woodfin incumbents ran for office the same way they held office–lazy, uncaring, slothful.

  2. kw

    Yep! Volunteers fighting the proposed Bluffs development have gathered hundreds of followers, many of whom turned out to vote and helped send the incumbents packing. Asheville City Council members who have ignored the pleas of Richmond Hill residents should watch out during their next election unless they want to be sent packing too.

  3. Mike

    Agreed, kw. One council member- Kim Roney- seemed to understand but the others have not. As I said in public comment at the time- the Richmond Hill neighborhood was annexed by the city of Asheville in 1967. When this happened, Asheville made a pledge to provide the most basic function of a representative democracy- you know, like, represent us. The City has failed on this pledge thus far, despite 50-plus years of taxes paid by the neighborhood at least partly in exchange for the promise to do so.

    • kw

      Yes, someone really should investigate what really has gone on behind closed doors between Esther Manheimer, Chris Peterson, Jerry Vehaun, and several others…how on Earth did an urban forest next to Richmond Hill Park get annexed into Woodfin and then designated as an Opportunity Zone? Opportunity Zones are for economically distressed areas, not well-tended neighborhoods near a city park. Both local mayors should be ashamed and they should be shamed…and yes, Kim Roney was the only council member who wisely (and publicly) stated that this piece of land is not where we should be jamming 1500 apartments when there is just one narrow road thru a low-density neighborhood of mostly owner-occupied homes. In fact, Kim Roney is the only council member who appears to be listening (or even awake) at most of the meetings I’ve attended. And did you know that there are endangered salamanders and gray bats using the proposed Bluffs site as habitat? Does anyone not see the wisdom in saving a forest rather than retrofitting years down the line with saplings?

  4. Robert

    Has anyone in the Richmond Hill neighborhood thought of starting a petition or hiring an attorney to present a Letter Of Demand to the City of Asheville to return all taxes paid since annexation? Just wondering…

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