Thank you for your reporting on West Asheville public concerns! [“Moral Dilemma: West Asheville Struggles with the Impacts of Homelessness,” Aug. 23, Xpress]
It seems people are so eager to spend money on high-tech, behind-the-scenes surveillance, yet things that could/would really make a difference to the community, like the water fountains and public toilets, are neglected, year after year.
Yes, it takes manpower to install and maintain such services. Yes, we can and absolutely should provide these things to the community. The public toilets and drinking water access points are exactly what our tax dollars should support. No excuses, Mayor Esther Manheimer!
Thank you again for your reporting.
A supporter,
— Libi Libner
You think these people are going to respect anything you do for them? That will just invite more
and more drug addicted criminals. Make it a little harder for them and maybe they will leave. I have an idea, offer them a job and see how long they stay. Most of us don’t want them here, it used to be a nice town………..Jonny d
Enka Candler citizens don’t have to pay the taxes for such BS…
You live in Enka Candler honey. Mind your own business. Toilets and water fountains are destroyed in about 2 weeks. You dont pay the taxes for them.