[Regarding “‘COVID Police’ Don’t Really Care About Community” [July 22, Xpress:] In Mr. Rapier’s … rant against unnamed hypocrites and “COVID Police,” he chastises people on one hand for going out to get essentials he doesn’t consider essential and then blames them for not caring about people out of work, though there would be even more unemployed people if they weren’t working selling those (un)essentials.
He especially seems to have a thing about how mulch rates as an essential. (For self-sufficient vegetable gardens, maybe? Just sayin’.) I don’t know what mulch purveyors ever did to him, but I would be looking over my shoulder if I were one.
He is very indignant about people’s indifference to health costs, unaffordable housing and gentrification but ridicules people’s concerns about trying to prevent the spread of the deadliest disease that most of us have ever seen in our lifetimes. Dead people, I once heard, make terrible employees and fighters for better living conditions.
Finally, he reminds us pathetic Dorothys that “it’s every man for himself.” No, Toto, only in the minds of people like you. I hope to God you are in the minority.
— Robert Jordan
In this town, whether people live or die really doesnt matter. They arent really humans, but robot projections of the matrix. These non-player characters (NPC), as they are called in RPGS, can be killed and the game will reset. These disposable people have a routine and always say the same crap. If they catch covid it doesnt matter. You can scream at them, say whatever you want, and it won’t register in their minds unless it related to their programmed dialogue.
I hear Haloperidol is lovely this time of year.