Letter: Our border crisis affects us locally

Graphic by Lori Deaton

The word “us in N.C.” means all individuals in North Carolina. Please realize all the individuals who populate North Carolina.

According to Farmworker Advocacy Network (ncfan.org), North Carolina ranks sixth in the nation in migrant farm workers.

The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services reports health facts migrants here in North Carolina face such as: 5-in-10 face food insecurity, only half of pregnant migrant workers received health care in the first trimester; 53% of children were not getting medical needs met; and nationally, migrant farm workers are at six times higher risk for infectious diseases. Fewer than 20% of 150,000 migrant farmers in North Carolina get health care.

North Carolina is locally sustained by migrant workers, from agriculture to the many other jobs they contribute, yet their lives here and those arriving to enter through our borders crisis still face continued personal crisis hardships on our soil.

According to stacker.com, Mexico is the No. 1 country of origin for foreign-born residents in the Asheville metro area.

The first biggest hurdle our government under President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris continuously fail is by lack of COVID safety with immigration border entry professed by these very political leaders to have been the reason for Title 42 curbing the spread of COVID.

The hypocrisy of our government COVID safety protocols lies in the facts that, not only do these political leaders fail to adhere to even mask protocols they tell the public to adhere to, the immigrants who gained entry were “only tested if symptomatic” and nothing whatsoever stated that if symptomatic, these immigrants were then vaccinated.

We are dealing with the highest ever historical migrant surges upon our nation’s borders that our government now decided to rescind Title 42, which will probably bring heavier influxes of immigration to our borders, as proven when our government announced open borders, then later announced them closed.

Our president doesn’t have personal firsthand knowledge of our border crisis because he has failed to even go!

Our government has already been reported losing one-third of the immigrant children, so clearly not able to keep track of the previous vulnerable immigrant children, yet we are to believe capable to keep track of more volumes in rescinding Title 42?

Currently, K2 Radio reported Title 42 rescinding is now facing opposition from 10 moderate Democrats, and currently 21 states have filed lawsuits.

— Kristen Burns-Warren


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59 thoughts on “Letter: Our border crisis affects us locally

  1. Snowdog

    I’m not impressed at all with the feigned concern this lady expresses. No where does she care about the human, only the country, as if it’s a football team or her tupperware crew. No concern for the NC citizen who threatens teen Latinos working on his tobacco farm with calling the INS if they don’t work 14 hour days. No where does she show concern on a human level for migrants who are trying to make a better life by upending their lives and exhibiting excellent work ethics all to get away from drug gangs supported with money from American citizens, the number one purchaser of drugs from militant drug lords in Mexico. A feigned concern and gentle wording but still just hate and bigotry from yet another small minded local. Probably claims to be a person of faith, yet looks at the downtrodden and poor more like a Fox news anchor than Jesus. Such a lost soul.

    • Kristen Burns-Warren

      Snowdog says:

      “I’m not impressed at all with the feigned concern this lady expresses. No where does she care about the human, only the country, as if it’s a football team or her tupperware crew. “ Clearly Snowdog you missed even the first sentence.

      Snowdog writes “You write No concern for the NC citizen who threatens teen Latinos working on his tobacco farm with calling the INS if they don’t work 14 hour days.” To that I reply actually I did but the original draft stated working hours along with the in agriculture exhausting heat plus the top industry for serious accidents but it had to be cut down by the editor and far deeper than just the work hours Snowdog ONLY mentioned.

      Snowdog says I don’t care about the human yet the bulk of his essay is all about how he feels negatively about ME solo which sorry but the story isn’t about me at all!

      I want to add because Snowdog didn’t bother the border crisis still going on.

      Immigrants safety Snowdog failed to even discuss and has not been a top priority that effects us in N.C. nor given fixes as migrants wait in tents, under bridges to even our nations holding facilities proven unsafe and above proper holding capacities.

      In the news these immigrants are shuffled around from stadiums, hotels, sleeping on buses, military forts to being dropped of town to town or seen on ghost flights at rare hours not entering after landing into the airport but shuffled off on the landing field to undisclosed destinations.

      Snowdog failed to bring up the contributions of minors and since it was cut off my first draft sent in I wish to add for folk unlike Snowdog that might really care.

      NC farm workers contribute 10 billion annually to our state’s economy and just one migrant farm worker contributes 12,000. had to be left out but Snowdog you didn’t bother to mention that either.

      Snowdog didn’t bring up so I will also occupational injuries among migrant farmers in NC are employed in a top reported accident industry-agriculture highest fatal work injury rate at 23.1 fatal injuries per 100,000 workers.”

      I also went on to discuss in my first draft to Mountainx that was cut out the under reports on Covid as well as deaths which Snowdog failed to even think of to write in the spiteful rant in a disguised name no less.

      Don’t you think deaths need to be discussed as well? We don’t do reports on deaths that ended long ago.

      You exempt raw hatred to me Snowdog which pretty much allows others to see your disdain for another human while pretending to dissect facts with your utterly negative filled hate speech litany on myself as the writer.

      The majority of your reply was literal all about how YOU negatively claim I exist and very little of others exist!

      Actually the only reference Snowdog cared to make of others was with a tobacco farm reference in which this persons didn’t bother to even state facts and what workers to plight reference only fourteen hours which is not accurate as actually most migrant farmers hours is completely unpaid overtime and doubtfully ever exactly fourteen hours.

      In actuality snowdog failed to mention agriculture farm laborers get no over time pay as well nor discussed their living conditions nor how little they get paid which was also in my original draft cut down for approved word count by the editor.

      Snowdog didn’t bother to talk poverty either which was in my original draft cut down so might as well add it here. Highest poverty is with Hispanics 30.16%, 2nd is multiple race at 27.9, black 21.68 white is 11.18%

      Snowdog didn’t mention the actual labor camps and living conditions. I will and yes it was in my original draft cut out for word count. Labor camps-a population that comprises approximately 20% of the estimated 150,000 farmworkers in the state.

      Human trafficking was left out in word count cut.
      “The covert nature of human trafficking has long complicated efforts to tally trafficking victims and pinpoint their location. So disparate and unreliable were past estimates of trafficking victim totals, the U.S. Department of State stopped reporting those numbers altogether in 2016.”nij.ojp.gov

      When you criticize me under your “snow dog “ persona the effect isn’t chilling to me it is just numbing cold human sentiments you eagerly name call what you call me as a “small minded local” that you care nothing for so what’s your point besides your own ridicule of another local that exemplifies your anti human compassion?

      No I am not a lost soul nor spreading hate and bigotry you have that covered in your report that you did pretty much on me your hatred focus feigning compassion all the while.

      Kristen Burns-Warren

  2. indy499

    I’m not impressed with your argument. Far more people want to be in this country than we can accomodate without completely destroying the lives of our lower income citizens. You are undoubtedly an elite globalist feigning to be a concerned humanist.

  3. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Snowdog says:

    “I’m not impressed at all with the feigned concern this lady expresses. No where does she care about the human, only the country, as if it’s a football team or her tupperware crew. “ Clearly Snowdog you missed even the first sentence.

    Snowdog writes “You write No concern for the NC citizen who threatens teen Latinos working on his tobacco farm with calling the INS if they don’t work 14 hour days.” To that I reply actually I did but the original draft stated working hours along with the in agriculture exhausting heat plus the top industry for serious accidents but it had to be cut down by the editor and far deeper than just the work hours Snowdog ONLY mentioned.

    Snowdog says I don’t care about the human yet the bulk of his essay is all about how he feels negatively about ME solo which sorry but the story isn’t about me at all!

    I want to add because Snowdog didn’t bother the border crisis still going on.

    Immigrants safety Snowdog failed to even discuss and has not been a top priority that effects us in N.C. nor given fixes as migrants wait in tents, under bridges to even our nations holding facilities proven unsafe and above proper holding capacities.

    In the news these immigrants are shuffled around from stadiums, hotels, sleeping on buses, military forts to being dropped of town to town or seen on ghost flights at rare hours not entering after landing into the airport but shuffled off on the landing field to undisclosed destinations.

    Snowdog failed to bring up the contributions of minors and since it was cut off my first draft sent in I wish to add for folk unlike Snowdog that might really care.

    NC farm workers contribute 10 billion annually to our state’s economy and just one migrant farm worker contributes 12,000. had to be left out but Snowdog you didn’t bother to mention that either.

    Snowdog didn’t bring up so I will also occupational injuries among migrant farmers in NC are employed in a top reported accident industry-agriculture highest fatal work injury rate at 23.1 fatal injuries per 100,000 workers.”

    I also went on to discuss in my first draft to Mountainx that was cut out the under reports on Covid as well as deaths which Snowdog failed to even think of to write in the spiteful rant in a disguised name no less.

    Don’t you think deaths need to be discussed as well? We don’t do reports on deaths that ended long ago.

    You exempt raw hatred to me Snowdog which pretty much allows others to see your disdain for another human while pretending to dissect facts with your utterly negative filled hate speech litany on myself as the writer.

    The majority of your reply was literal all about how YOU negatively claim I exist and very little on others exist!

    Actually the only reference Snowdog cared to make of others was with a tobacco farm reference in which this persons didn’t bother to even state facts and what workers to plight reference only fourteen hours which is not accurate as actually most migrant farmers hours is completely unpaid overtime and doubtfully ever exactly fourteen hours.

    In actuality snowdog failed to mention agriculture farm laborers get no over time pay as well nor discussed their living conditions nor how little they get paid which was also in my original draft cut down for approved word count by the editor.

    Snowdog didn’t bother to talk poverty either which was in my original draft cut down so might as well add it here. Highest poverty is with Hispanics 30.16%, 2nd is multiple race at 27.9, black 21.68 white is 11.18%

    Snowdog didn’t mention the actual labor camps and living conditions. I will and yes it was in my original draft cut out for word count. Labor camps-a population that comprises approximately 20% of the estimated 150,000 farmworkers in the state.

    Human trafficking was left out in word count cut.
    “The covert nature of human trafficking has long complicated efforts to tally trafficking victims and pinpoint their location. So disparate and unreliable were past estimates of trafficking victim totals, the U.S. Department of State stopped reporting those numbers altogether in 2016.”nij.ojp.gov

    When you criticize me under your “snow dog “ persona the effect isn’t chilling to me it is just numbing cold human sentiments you eagerly name call what you call me as a “small minded local” that you care nothing for so what’s your point besides your own ridicule of another local that exemplifies your anti human compassion?

    No I am not a lost soul nor spreading hate and bigotry you have that covered in your report that you did pretty much on me your hatred focus feigning compassion all the while.

    Kristen Burns-Warren

    P.S. Snowdog did a characterization of me attached to caring to football and Tupperware.

    I am unsure if that’s just this mysterious personas depiction of just me as a female or all females are in general revolve around such things which is aggrandizement of enfranchisement of the “caring” attached in football realm that sorry I do not watch and as for the depiction of me claimed to also care of Tupperware crew we grow our foods and can actually and we do not disparage the Tupperware crew parties of their works.

    I have NEVER been to a Tupperware Crew gathering or held a Tupperware crew party as if extremist in nature in caring of and the practice to store and save food leftovers is actually something I find resourceful not wasteful just like canning which we do that actually preserves foods longer.

    Tupperware began here in America in Massachusetts. Perhaps the writer calling themself Snowdog doesn’t like the inventor Brownie Wise and the history in football’s ancient origins?

    And Indy499 persona feels I am probably an elite globalist which wow suddenly I am depicted as having the power to influence the government even global governments, to control if not sway the top lucrative businesses and not locally but globally and interconnected supposedly to not just millionaires and billionaires but able to deeply sway impact in large societal markets… or is it really I am on just the chopping block for writing my opinion about immigration?

  4. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Indy499 persona feels I am probably a global elitist which wow suddenly I am depicted as possibly having the power to influence the government even global governments, to control if not sway the top lucrative businesses and not locally but globally and interconnected supposedly to not just millionaires and billionaires but able to deeply sway impact in large societal markets…

    If living off grid in a 12×12 two adults plus two dogs, two cats and one box turtle for a year, using compost bucket toilet, rain barrel gravity fed shower stall outdoors, chopping your own heat up and stacking it tall, cooking off a camp stove, growing our own food non gmo, planting seedlings, tending to our chickens, fiber Cashmere goats and ducks to you I am probably a global elitist then so be it in your mind but I disagree.

    What is the criteria you use that I am so quickly judged suddenly a probable elitist?

    This letter I wrote was about Our Border Crisis affecting us all not about me but a we as in the first sentence. Forget about me please!!!!

    I really can’t understand nor am willing to sit back silently when folks make ASSumptions and derogatory personal stereotypes about myself to try focus away from the subjects plural.

    If you don’t care Indy499 persons of a subject I wrote realize nobody forced you to read it nor forced you to agree but when folks feel they can at whim have their folly attempting to degrade me and actually call me out as possible “global elitist” I will speak up with zero excuses, zero apologies and zero regrets so go ahead and try to water me down so you can swallow but at the end of the day I am 100 percent proof me not whatever you think I am or want me to be!

    It’s obvious I am on the chopping block for writing my opinion about immigration but I am grateful for Mountainx and seeing the amount of reads on these topics as it isn’t about me solo at all.

    I hope others don’t fall for misguided distractions, bullying or personal derogatory fabrications. I hope for more changes for the better for us all.

    Kristen Burns-Warren

  5. WNC

    Open borders allow 90% of fentanyl into the US. Much from China in parts and pieces , this contributes to
    School shootings
    Mental illness
    People who can’t pay rent or provide for their needs.

    The border could be controlled but a large part of the plan is for more blue voters to plant in Texas. So current leadership would sale out on all the above issues to try to revive a chance to win a election. This is collusion on a grand scale to over turn American elections. I’m not a huge Trump fan but everything Democrats accuse Trump of they do in spades.

  6. Kristen Burns-Warren


    The ICE reports are way passed deadline and every year prior for a decade turned in on time. At least here this ICE report seemed timely and efficient. See story NY Post, World Nation News, and other news on “ICE nabs suspected terrorist after Border Patrol release.”

    Greg Abbot, governor of the Lone Star state just added fifty more immigrants from the border to the 400 bus load to 450 filled with newly arrived immigrants heading to the Whitehouse only Arizona busing to the WhiteHouse stated “they are not paying the tab,Biden is! Good luck on that one!

    I can understand the “bring the border crisis right to our president since Joe Biden won’t go visit the borders in crisis but don’t understand why news rarely reports the loss of three million per day to not build the border wall!

    If you have something contracted out utilize it into something, build better facilities as obviously the ones no longer in the news today but used to haven’t been improved and many have been shut down.

    What’s the negatives with all those steel beams just aging away and guarded or versus using the wall materials on all those roads and bridges so called “ infrastructure” our administration is peddling?

    Isn’t steel used in construction or am I missing the point on reduce, reuse and recycle principles here?

    Today, no matter the bait and switch narratives in the news this three million per day needs to be in headlines attached to the border crisis because it’s ridiculously costly and elicit wasteful Mr. President at our borderline!

    Right now individuals here all know the grocery prices are skyrocketing, gasoline prices escalating on top of the housing crisis and drugs pouring in which including ISO deadlier than fentanyl which is killing individuals here in America higher than Covid so why would we want to on top of all these epic losses see also three million per day in losses accomplishing ZERO?

    Do the math on the grand total so far of waste at a time like this. https://cis.org/Law/Biden-Spending-3-Million-Day-Not-Build-Border-Wall

    “The Biden Administration is paying contractors at least $3 million per day to guard steel, concrete, and other materials in the desert,” Lankford said in a report. https://dailycaller.com/2021/07/21/customs-and-border-protection-james-lankford-joe-biden/

    The other puzzling part is our President had no problem as senator backing up the southern border wall publicly and even as president had no problem erecting a brand new razor wire perimeter wall around the castle/fort/WhiteHouse!

    Our president Joe Biden even amped up security to have at the time more guards guarding him than guards he had in Afghanistan, another sore subject that hopefully one day will be addressed on how Biden botched that one after promising is publicly there would not be another Saigon.

    So why is our president appearing just anti fence on our ports of entry? Read story https://www.washingtonian.com/2022/05/05/tall-fencing-has-gone-up-outside-the-supreme-court/

    It’s obvious our president has a agenda to not visit our borders even when he is only 85 miles from our southern border. Our VP isn’t much better.

    Our president did a drive by our border well over a decade ago and so far no reporter can find a single trip Joe Biden actually made to the border in his lengthy political career and today rarely discusses our border crisis!

    Joe Biden made it practically to the border for the tragic elementary school shooting in Uvalde. Uvalde is 85 miles from San Antonio the only drive by documented in the news in which Joe Biden was ever at our borders.

    If anyone can find the names our President or any press mentioned respecting and honoring the fallen next door to Uvalde at our borders please add it as I have looked all year and can find only the 650 total not named by name of migrants that died attempting to enter our southern border port of entry. I have yet to say candlelight vigil gatherings nor remaining family members testimonies. Why isn’t that in front page news? Where’s the data? Where’s the truth and transparency?

    I have yet to see this current administration mention the fallen officers either at our border doing their jobs or visiting their family either so it’s a pattern of select political guises on compassion for certain not all the victims!

    Kristen Burns-Warren

    • Robin Hernandez

      Looks like you blame President Biden for just about everything. You aren’t very intuitive in your rants. I’m highly intelligent and interested in what you have to say but you jump around so much it’s hard to follow. Also some resources then just your opinions would help.

  7. Kristen Burns-Warren


    If you have something contracted out with workers ready utilize it into something purposeful , build better facilities as obviously the detention centers no longer in the news today but used to have NOT improved and many have been SHUT DOWN!

    Scrap metal just piled up sedentary isn’t eco friendly nor eco up-cycled into a purposeful product! Why does our administration propagandize to be environmentally friendly but oppose the border wall build that cost tax payers so far over a billion dollars to do absolutely nothing with?

    Here are five examples in construction that are not even on the radar and perhaps that is because the focus then would be the area rarely in the news?

    Steel according to civil today.com lists the many uses in civil engineering for steels. Steel here is listed showing it’s eco friendliness from reducing CO2 emissions, used for making cars which can be more environmentally friendly, steel making requires low energy for lightweight steel, and biggest point steel is the WORLDS MOST RECYCLED PRODUCT YET THE BORDER WALL IS NOT USED for all these uses by our current administration that touts eco friendliness!

    What’s the negatives with all those steel beams and other construction materials just aging away and guarded versus using the border wall materials on all those roads and bridges so called “ infrastructure” our administration is package cost peddling? Steel is used in construction and in the three R’s reduce, reuse and recycle but not at our border!

    The other puzzling factual part is President Biden had no problem back as senator backing up the southern border wall publicly stating “ We need a high wall on our southern border!”

    Our President of the United States was in the news on installing a beyond elitist price tag fence paid by taxpayers around his Rehobeth beach house! $Half a million according to FreeBeacon.Com!! I hope you do the math on the perimeter per panel!

    Why does our president pro fencer for the White House to his personal vacation beach house appear just anti fence on our border? Fencing just went up outside the Supreme Court.
    See details at:

    Kristen Burns-Warren

  8. Kristen Burns-Warren


    The border wall materials could be utilized to build better facilities as obviously the detention centers no longer in the news today but used to be have NOT improved and many have been SHUT DOWN! (Reuters3/25/2022.)

    Scrap metal just piled up sedentary at our border isn’t eco friendly nor eco up-cycled into a purposeful product!

    Why does our administration propagandize to be environmentally friendly but oppose the border wall build that cost tax payers so far over a billion dollars to do absolutely nothing with?

    Here are five examples in construction steel that are not even on the radar by our current administration and perhaps that is because the focus then would be our border crisis rarely in the news?

    Steel according to civil today.com lists the many uses in civil engineering for steels. Steel here is listed showing it’s eco friendliness from reducing CO2 emissions, used for making cars which can be more environmentally friendly, steel making requires low energy for lightweight steel, and biggest point steel is the WORLDS MOST RECYCLED PRODUCT YET THE BORDER WALL IS NOT USED for all these uses by our current administration that touts eco friendliness!

    What’s the negatives with all those steel beams and other construction materials just aging away and guarded versus using the border wall materials on all those roads and bridges so called “ infrastructure” our administration is package peddling town to town?

    Steel is used in construction and in the three R’s reduce, reuse and recycle but not at our border!

    President Biden is consistently inconsistent on what he supports!

    Joe Biden himself as senator used to take a completely opposite stance on our southern border perimeter and declared “ We need a high wall on our southern border!”

    Our President of the United States was in the news on installing a only an elitist can afford price tag fence paid by taxpayers around his Rehobeth beach house!

    Half a million was the cost for Biden’s beach house fence according to FreeBeacon.Com!! I hope you do the math on the perimeter per panel cost! Perhaps the fencing run underground for that cost?

    It’s evident president Biden is pro fencer from the White House to his personal vacation beach house but anti fence on our nations border.

    Certain areas are fenced for politicians protection but not our borders protection that are already contracted out, materials there being guarded wasting 3 million every day!

    Building fences on borders is something we do with foreign lands! Politico reported the 274 mile hight tech barrier with watchtowers we paid for between Jordan and Syria. How many watchtowers do we have at our own borders?

    Then there’s just politicians personal safety just the http://www.Washingtonian.com reported tall fencing went up outside the Supreme Court.

    Kristen Burns-Warren

  9. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Border Crisis Problems Continue

    Think how you want but influx equals more individuals entering our nation versus individuals exodus leaving.

    What we have is historically the highest additions to America’s population.

    Supply and demand isn’t in headlines dealing with border crisis as it’s rarely in the news same in population increase but the aftermath is.

    It takes more supplies to meet the population demands and front and center is our solo nations safe and supplied baby formula scarcity which isn’t new but an old problem add on the lengthy FDA recalls including contaminated and supplied to public markets including illegal and/or defective personal Covid test kits that make individuals testing themselves think they have Covid and flood hospitals stressed out with their false positive Covid results!

    Look at even our hand sanitizers to sunscreens recalled and all the year plus food and beverages found back to back with metal and glass shards!

    Add on the bacteria contaminates on products sold to the public making folks ill with “Covid like symptoms” from fever, diarrhea, vomiting to respiratory problems due to allergens not listed yet somehow managed to make the markets shelves and consumed in order to be recalled in lot numbers here!

    That’s a drop in the bucket on valuable legitimate, safe and healthy consumer labeled non gmo, non benzene, non glass and metal shards in consumed or sprayed on skin commodities like sunscreens sole feature is to prevent skin cancer all the while having cancerous benzene at high levels is not keeping up with population healthy and amply essential supply demands!

    Recalls are in pretty much everything now from the latest ice creams to candies like skittles and life savers! A great site is Eat this not that or just type in FDA recalls and grab out of your pantry that really bad peanut butter you already ate half the jar!

    We have manufacturing attempts to meet the higher demand amounts with less workers to crank out the larger supplies to meet the larger demands.

    We see news with places infested with rats and rat feces to baby food factories cross contamination the essential foods babies here need to survive to just the pet foods that are recalled unsafe for your pets to digest yet how often do we hear our president or vice discuss this vital health information to the public at large detailing the health and safety situations and resolutions?

    These same politicians traveling to select places not all shooting locations like the senior grandmothers run over during a parade! These politicians visit individuals that fit their political propaganda narrative feigning concern for the children and two teachers shot in the tragic Uvalde incident but not visiting other tragic deaths which yes a vehicle can be a weapon for destruction just ask the families of the grandmas in the parade to currently Paul Pelosi was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol, running a stop sign and colliding with a jeep in the late hours near where he and Nancy own a Vineyard.

    Luckily there was no deaths but where’s the same politicians speeches on drunk drivers? Where’s MADD on this one? Guns aren’t the only weapons that by irresponsibility of the owner cause deaths!

    Are politicians visiting all the hospitals for those recovering from drunk drivers or the grieving families that lost a loved one like Joe Biden falsely claimed happened to his family in their car riding tragedy?

    Where’s the politicians visits to the sickly recovering from all the bad foods and beverages or other deemed essential even during lock downs to go out to get hand sanitizers to even defective ventilators that also have been recalled!

    Look if you want to besides the recalls to the escalating costs on groceries the housing markets. See census.gov 2022. Look at states now bulging at the seams and their housing crisis!

    Look at you want at the checkout prices on groceries. The EpicTimes..Com shows “ looming price hikes on food set to hit Americans this fall.”

    Right now here in WNC individuals all feel the grocery prices skyrocketing go ahead and compare to prices with a previous president, gasoline prices escalating now on top of the housing demand nor able to fill and the filling up median ruse for average houses sold prices crisis!
    “The one-two punch of higher rates and higher prices is brutal: The escalating mortgage rates have bumped up the cost of purchasing a home by more than 25 percent from a year ago, while steeper home prices are adding another 15 percent to that figure,” -Politico 5/27/2022

    “Grantham is convinced that we’re in the midst of a fifth great bubble of the modern era, following the Wall Street crash of 1929, the Japanese asset bubble of 1989, the dotcom blowup in 2000, and the Global Financial Crisis of 2008.”

    “He argues that both stocks and the housing market have been lifted to unsustainable levels owing to speculation from investors and unsustainably loose monetary policies from the Federal Reserve.”

    * Worst start for the stock market in 80-plus years.
    * Highest inflation in 40-plus years.
    * Largest single interest rate hike in 20-plus years.
    * Dimmest public view of the US economy in 10-plus years.
    Source CNN May 6 2022

    Add if you want look at the tragedies you can’t put a price tag on rampaging deaths in the USA by the smuggled into our nation via not secured borders ISO and fentanyl flooding through our borders crisis killing way more than Covid!

    Where’s the most recent data on opioid synthetic or non smuggled in deaths?

    When you have serial killers named ISO and fentanyl smuggled in our borders shouldn’t that make headlines like gun bans banning the bad products effects?

    When have you heard our President or Vice President discussing this dire tragic topic and their plans on resolutions?

    Where’s the legislature’s plan to curb all these ways on higher drug deaths versus politicized gun deaths?

    Where’s the legislatures on better wellness bills which yes affects our population from results dealing with guns, workforce, poverty, law enforcement, crime, health, suicides to thefts and domestic violence?

    Where’s the plan on necessary to life food that prices keep going up?

    Where’s the plan on housing not student loan pay off?

    Show me anything that I agreed to pay this specific type of personal loan? School also should be based on merit. Schools should dissuade political influence peddling in letters of recommendations such as President Biden has allegations of doing in the news.

    Which is more necessary-food and roof or gun ban and student loans the agreed individuals agreed to responsible for not the public at large?

    Kristen Burns-Warren

  10. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Border Crisis the problems that just keep on going

    First of and never a follow up story I could find this year is the reported 1/3 of the unaccompanied immigrant children lost by the Biden Admitted last year in September!

    Where are these children?
    Why not follow up news?

    Why are we to believe after reading this out government can handle responsibly the following months historic heights with 1/3 already lost unaccompanied immigrant minors c add on the Ukrainian children Biden publicly stated are traveling in through our borders.

    Where are all the children?

    CIS.ORG ran a follow up the next day with greater detail explaining the procedures January to May in follow up calls in behalf of the children 4,390 calls the workers for HHS were unable to speak to the children and/ or caregivers.

    Our president sent out a memo according to ABC news, The Paradise News, The National Desk.com news etc. that grants exemptions for illegal immigrants to enter the United States. 

    Just The News (JTJ) reviewed the memo stating “ Factors weighing in favor of an exception include the following: a physical or mental illness, disability; pregnancy; lack of access to safe housing or shelter in Mexico (under 21 years old or younger or over 70, including families); and an indication that an individual has been threatened or harmed in Mexico. “. Is anyone else wanting clarity on the exemptions? 

    There is no concise clarification on what is a “physical illness exception” or “mental illness exemption.” 

    I would think Covid is a physical illness however nothing so far has been done before this exemption memo as far as accurate Covid testing to all immigrants arriving into our nation via our borders. 

    Then there’s clearly age discrimination factor in this random exemption list stating if you are over the age of 21 or over 70 you don’t qualify. Perhaps the over 70 in these almost alternate universe memo could can claim for example a bit of arthritis and under the unknown to the public lists on types of exempt disability criteria be a exempted? 

    Next question is how we would have the resources to be certain if any individual has lack of safe housing or shelter in Mexico unless we have staff that searches the described in Mexico areas? I doubt that will happen. 

    With pregnancy it doesn’t state ages on pregnant women nor under disability what is the criteria to be exempt in that category then there is the threatened or harmed category which how would anyone prove the statement true or false? 

    These all are missing context, each category is very broad  and vague and appeared during the pushback from ten democrats and republicans on rescinded title 42. 

    Anyone under these vague exemptions in the Biden memo of an entire family qualifies if one family member meets the vague criteria. 

    I am not believing there will be any DNA tests to discern if actually family as nothing mentioned testing via DNA.

    I saw no mention on valid identification being required as none stated required so it’s a he said she said ambiguous notion not any true knowledge of authenticated family ties but age if no valid documentation it too is unsubstantiated but it’s plausible with the vague criteria if one in a immigrant group processing to be acknowledged somehow as family for example claims “ anxiety” then the entire group is exempt and enters. 

    This whole exemption memo from President Biden is more confusing than his usual public speeches plus the entire exemption states nothing on Covid whatsoever! 

    This is about more loopholes created by this administration to bypass what they stated title 42 handled curb the Covid spread but it turns out no only are immigrants arriving not being all Covid tested the government shuffled them town to town and expects those towns to find any health situations!

    Obviously the defunded border patrol and Ice don’t have the finances nor personnel to do it plus nor allowed to detain as in quarantine timeframes and even if for some fluke our administration upfunded them adequately which so far no border patrol has reported that so they don’t have the facilities to do all of the memo!

    In closing I just want to add that in the same report on the exemptions by JTN they aadded “ News correspondent Bill Melugin, who has been covering the southern border, recently learnedthrough a Freedom of Information Act request that there were at least 23 individuals flagged on the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database, which tracks known or suspected terrorists, who were caught at the southern border in 2021.”

    Kristen Burns-Warren 

  11. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Border Crisis

    Where’s the outrage on CBS reporting migrant families who are not processed under title 42 are released wearing ankle tracking devices? Second, let’s get the facts on quantity when stating “sometimes” these tracking ankle monitors! Third, let’s know just who exactly is supposedly monitoring these devices , and fourth what’s the cost?

    What facts do we have on migrants being tested for Covid? CPB according to politifact is not required to test but stated relies on local public health systems. That’s very vague since we know factually a migrant must first be symptomatic to be Covid tested at entry then secondly is omitting any pre testing before entry here into the United States proving negative Covid but are skipping pre-screen before arrival then skipping full screen on all symptomatic to none here arrivals in the U.S.

    Next locally is vary vague as immigrants are shuffled all over town to town and state by state with no direct links of individual data stating implementation to all on safety Covid protocols yet employees were forced to adhere to Covid vaccinations as well as travelers via flights here so definitely differing protocols for entry to even remaining able to keep your job.

    Why does the government implement funding all over for things such as rent eviction memoriums, art gallery Covid aid, to even late tax filings and personal by the government Covid relief checks yet with immigration and Covid placed that to the local health facilities?

    Border patrol budget was already cut so I don’t think amply funded to deal with our factual HIGHEST EVER historical reporters level of immigration influx into our nation!

    It’s also relevant to know immigrants that test positive cannot be detained by localities.

    The solution our government continues to do is to neglect!

    We have just heard from press secretary Psaki that these migrants “ don’t plan to be here long.” I would like any shred of proof she factually heard that personally by all the immigrants that just risked their lives to get here, many spent their last savings, many have nothing but the clothing on their back told her they did all of that to shortly leave the United States!

    “The lack of vaccine requirements for illegal migrants is not new, as on Sept. 10, Psaki confirmedthe government would not require them, despite President Biden’s order requiring roughly two-thirds of US workers to be vaccinated. At the time, she did not elaborate on why migrants wouldn’t be subject to the same rules as US workers.” https://nypost.com/2021/09/20/wh-defends-not-requiring-neg-covid-test-from-illegal-migrants/

    “In its August 2 order directing the expulsion of illegal migrants under Title 42 of the U.S. Code, CDC explained: “DHS is working in coordination with nongovernmental organizations, state and local health departments, and other relevant facilitating organizations and entities as appropriate to develop DHS-approved processes that include pre-entry COVID-19 testing.”

    “In other words, our Biden Administration wasn’t testing the illegal migrants it apprehended; rather, it fobbed that responsibility off to state and local governments and NGOs, even though controlling the illegal entry of aliens is a strictly federal responsibility, as the Supreme Court held in Arizona v. U.S.
    Worse, the president wanted to take the money to reimburse those non-federal entities for the Covid testing and quarantine of symptomatic migrants out of the pockets of the Border Patrol and ICE — two entities that have, as Biden’s DHS often notes, “limited resources”.
    Despite the fact that this was plowed ground, PolitiFact cited to its own prior reporting from August, wherein DHS claimed it “works with state authorities, local authorities and non-governmental organizations to ensure that ‘100% of noncitizens’ are tested for COVID-19 ‘at some point during their immigration journey.’”


    “September report from the DHS Inspector General (IG), captioned “DHS Needs to Enhance Its COVID-19 Response at the Southwest Border”.
    The title alone would suggest that the Biden administration needs to step up its game when it comes to Covid testing for illegal migrants, but in any event, the IG found:
    U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) does not conduct COVID-19 testing for migrants who enter CBP custody and is not required to do so. Instead, CBP relies on local public health systems to test symptomatic individuals.
    This was, even in September, hardly new news.
    In its August 2 order directing the expulsion of illegal migrants under Title 42 of the U.S. Code, CDC explained: “DHS is working in coordination with nongovernmental organizations, state and local health departments, and other relevant facilitating organizations and entities as appropriate to develop DHS-approved processes that include pre-entry COVID-19 testing.”
    In other words, DHS wasn’t itself testing the illegal migrants it apprehended; rather, it fobbed that responsibility off to state and local governments and NGOs, even though controlling the illegal entry of aliens is a strictly federal responsibility, as the Supreme Court held in Arizona v. U.S.”

    “Worse, the president wanted to take the money to reimburse those non-federal entities for the Covid testing and quarantine of symptomatic migrants out of the pockets of the Border Patrol and ICE — two entities that have, as Biden’s DHS often notes, “limited resources”.
    Despite the fact that this was plowed ground, PolitiFact cited to its own prior reporting from August, wherein DHS claimed it “works with state authorities, local authorities and non-governmental organizations to ensure that ‘100% of noncitizens’ are tested for COVID-19 ‘at some point during their immigration journey.’”

    “Are aliens tested before they are released by DHS, however? The answer appears to be “no”, though one must wade through a metaphorical river of bureaucratese to get to that conclusion. The IG explained: “DHS developed a multi-layer framework to ensure all migrants entering the United States are tested for COVID-19 ‘prior to onwards travel into the United States.’”
    Which is it — are they tested before entering or before “onward travel into the United States”? The phrasing is likely deliberately vague, but in that context, “onward travel into the United States” usually means the point at which they are picked up by someone else or (more often) dropped off at the local bus station or airport, to proceed into the interior.
    Some of this confusion is clarified by a separate sentence in the IG’s report: “For migrants who are transferred or released from CBP custody into the United States, CBP coordinates with DHS, ICE, HHS, and other Federal, state, and local partners for COVID-19 testing of migrants.” (Emphasis added.) That means that at least some aliens are released from DHS custody before they are ever tested.”
    “That said, DHS could be a little less opaque and elliptical in explaining how Covid testing for illegal migrants is done, and when.”
    “Aliens Who Test Positive Cannot Be Detained by Localities.Testing is one thing, however, but preventing an alien from traveling “onward into the United States” after testing positive seems to be the more salient point. Does DHS detain illegal migrants who test positive?
    The answer to that is also “no”, but on that point the IG is a little clearer: “The COVID-19 testing process for family units post-CBP custody is not effective because municipalities cannot force families to isolate for the required quarantine period.” Of course, that is the case, and it goes to Grothman’s point.”

    “Pressed on the Biden administration’s decision not to require coronavirus vaccines or negative COVID-19 tests for people illegally crossing the southern border, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki insisted Monday the refugees are “not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time.”

  12. Kristen Burns-Warren

    JUST THE NEWS reported “ News correspondent Bill Melugin, who has been covering the southern border, recently learnedthrough a Freedom of Information Act request that there were at least 23 individuals flagged on the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database, which tracks known or suspected terrorists, who were caught at the southern border in 2021.”

    Amtrak now started up screening for terrorists in a December according to WIRED
    “Amtrak requested that the TSA begin the program, and the Department of Homeland Security announced its launch in December as part of an Amtrak Rail Passenger Threat Assessment. “

    Colorado Spring Gazette did a tally not all from souther border.
    “Forty-two people on the U.S. government’s terror watch list have been arrested attempting to enter the United States illegally since President Joe Biden took office, according to federal data obtained by the Washington Examiner.”


    Kristen Burns-Warren

  13. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Unique encounters and child imposters

    USAToday explains what CPB reports mean when listing “ unique encounters”

    USAToday 08/12/2021 encounters on just our Mexico border-

    “Customs and Border Patrol said 154,288 of the people coming to the border were unique encounters,meaning the agency has not encountered them in the past.”

    Non unique encounters =individuals previously encountered.

    Results 8/12/2021 unique =154,288
    Non unique =27% for a 12 month span.

    Average from four years 2014-2019=14%.

    CBP Southwest Border Enforcement Numbers for ONLY month of March year 2022

    “The number of unique individuals encountered nationwide in March 2022 was 159,900, a 37 percent increase in the number of unique enforcement encounters than the prior month.
    In total, there were 221,303 encounters along the southwest land border in March, a 33 percent increase compared to February. Of those, 28 percent involved individuals who had at least one prior encounter in the previous 12 months, compared to an average one-year re-encounter rate of 14 percent for FY2014-2019.
    More than three-fourths (76 percent) of all southwest land border encounters were single adults, with 169,062 encounters in March, a 33 percent increase compared to February.
    109,549 encounters, 50 percent of the total, were processed for expulsion under Title 42. 111,754 encounters were processed under Title 8.”
    “101,539 encounters involving single adults (60 percent of all single adult encounters) were processed for expulsion under Title 42, with 67,523 processed under Title 8.”
    “7,802 encounters involving family unit individuals (21 percent of all family unit individuals) were processed for expulsion under Title 42, with 30,016 processed under Title 8.”

    Unaccompanied Children ( please note these children are reported southern border only not all ports of entry to US in expulsion/staying yet 1/3 of sponsored immigrant children were reported already missing by our government and not accounted for through ORR)

    “Just in one month we had a 18 percent increase of unaccompanied minors which totals 682 per day.

    That is more than the 520 reported per day in February. “

    Family Unit individuals
    ( please note these individuals are not listed as a single expulsion nor are units stated in family unit sizes)
    “ Encounters of family unit individuals increased by 42 percent from 26,721 in February to 37,818 in March”

    This was from August 12, 2021

    This gives the reason for repeat crossings –

    “The phenomenon of increased repeat crossings under Title 42 also created a distorted picture of the total number of people crossing the border. For example, through the first nine months of FY 2021, when CBP recorded a total of 1,119,204 border encounters, the number of “unique encounters” (people who have not been taken into custody in the previous 12 months) was 690,718.

    By comparison, over the same period in FY 2019, CBP recorded 780,479 border encounters, of which 721,328 were unique encounters—over 30,000 more than in FY 2021.”

    “Due to post-COVID changes made at the Department of Justice in spring 2020, individuals who cross the border for the first time under Title 42 are largely exempt from federal prosecution for misdemeanor “improper entry.” They are also not issued a deportation order. For individuals crossing the border who are not planning on turning themselves in and asking for asylum, this policy eliminates two possible negative consequences of being apprehended by the Border Patrol. As a result, following a failed attempt to cross the border, some individuals are more willing to try again.”


    U.S. Customs and Border Protection figures now show that more than 2 million unauthorized migrants came across the Mexican border in the calendar year and were apprehended or turned themselves in – in addition to those not stopped or detected.
    This report was from three months ago


    Note this just a El Paso report from 11/132021 not all ports of entry.

    “559 adults were caught in the sector purporting to be children in the previous fiscal year — the Border Patrol said”

    Because of our nations policies on unaccompanied minor immigrant children,adults will pose as children in hopes they are not immediately deported!

    The UK as well as others (couldn’t find US included) are not taking this risk lightly but implementing x-ray checks.


    UK news

    Adult migrants who pose as child asylum seekers could face X-ray age checks in new crackdown by Priti Patel
    By David Barrett Home Affairs Correspondent For The Daily Mail
    22:55 04 Jan 2022

    Home Secretary will unveil a scientific committee to scrutinise migrants
    Priti Patel said the deception carried out by asylum seekers was ‘abuse’
    Asylum seekers could face controversial X-ray checks under new moves
    “Asylum seekers suspected of lying about their age could face controversial X-ray checks under moves announced by Priti Patel today.
    The Home Secretary will unveil a scientific committee to scrutinise ways of analysing migrants who claim to be under 18.”

    “Two-thirds of almost 1,700 age assessments carried out in the year to September found that those who claimed to be underage were actually adults. It comes after a series of troubling cases of adult asylum seekers ending up in schools being taught alongside teenagers.
    Experts on the scientific advisory committee will look at the methods other countries use to determine people’s true ages, including X-ray examinations and other types of radiology, plus CT and MRI scans.”


    “One of the most troubling examples of an asylum seeker pretending to be a child was Parsons Green terrorist Ahmed Hassan (pictured). He posed as a 16-year-old before setting off a bomb on a Tube train in west London in 2017, injuring 23 people”

    Kristen Burns-Warren

  14. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Our president of the United States just flew the friendly emission skies all the way to New Mexico.

    His trip was reported by CNN, Santa Fe New Mexican, CBS,Reuters,NBC, FOX etc. president visit to New Mexico due to their wildfires.

    What was left out in the news is our president again almost to our borders like in Uvalde discussing problems and offering help and directly talking to officials but he simply won’t do that with our southern border as if there is zero problems as the heat index rises, zero transparency on the newly reported drownings by El Paso Times 6/11/2022 of five individuals drowning at the International Boundary and Water Commission Canal.

    Heat kits are now being passed around by border patrol to try to save lives for migrants attempting to cross the borders.

    “The desert is unforgiving. The mountains are unforgiving. The human smuggling organizations are unforgiving.” said Chief Patrol Agent John Modlin, with strong words for those looking to make the dangerous trek across the desert.
    But, despite the warnings, he knows people will attempt the journey anyway.
    “The temperature is over 100 degrees, if you’re without water or shelter. You’re a statistic waiting to happen,” Modlin said.

    “Dr. Greg Hess, Prima County Chief Medical Examiner, said his office sees a lot of the migrants who never finish their journey.” By http://www.kold.com6/10/2022.

    CPB.Gov reported over 156 million dollars of narcotics seized at our borderline over one weekend.

    See http://www.justice.gov seized 1,762 pounds of cocaine, 164 pounds methamphetamine, and 3.5 pounds of heroine.
    “SAN DIEGO – A federal drug investigation has resulted in the discovery of a sophisticated cross-border tunnel and charges against six people for conspiring to distribute 1,762 pounds of cocaine.
    The subterranean passageway, stretching from Tijuana, Mexico to a warehouse in Otay Mesa just east of the Port of Entry, is estimated to be about 1,744 feet long, 61 feet deep and 4-feet in diameter, with reinforced walls, a rail system, electricity and a ventilation system.”

    Another drug bust reported by CPB.gov newsroom
    “Release Date Wed, 06/08/2022 – 12:00
    CALEXICO, Calif. – U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at the Calexico West Port of Entry discovered close to half a million dollars’ worth of methamphetamine and fentanyl.”

 CBS reported migrant deaths by drowning-
    “The bodies of five migrants suspected to have died of dehydration and heat stroke were found in a railroad car in northern Mexico near the U.S. border, authorities said Wednesday.
    The victims were three Hondurans, a Mexican and another unidentified person, Mexico’s National Institute of Migration (INM) said.”

    Forbes reported May 4,2022 before Mothers Day Sunday “A new government report shows Border Patrol agents significantly undercount immigrant deaths, with the number of people dying likely twice as high as previously reported.”

    Explain why our president still has not gone to our borders and what results he has accomplished and our Vice President tapped to figure out the border crisis causes so far have solved and the crisis on our borders is improving!

    Kristen Burns-Warren

  15. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Let this sink in

    Our president of the United States just flew the friendly emission skies while pushing for eco transportation to America all the way to New Mexico edging again to our border.

    The Guardian news just wrote the fire began back April 6 so our president is actually very tardy on his fire visit response.

    Apparently the fire was supposed to be a federal orchestrated controlled burn that wasn’t controlled but spread outward beginning on April 6 yet nothing so far has been allocated by our government in reparations thus far but it was mentioned by Joe Biden at his tardy arrival unlike his very quick arrival to Uvalde that our president made immediate declarations on stages on guns then headed back home versus still discussing openly guns versus traveling a mere hour and a half to our borderline crisis when at Uvalde around 80 miles from the border!

    Kristen Burns-Warren

  16. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Biden border crisis continues

    New plan? What original plan did you have?

    “President Biden spoke on Friday on the closing day of the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles. He unveiled a new plan to address migration.
    President Joe Biden: “Twenty countries coming together to launch the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection. With this declaration, we’re transforming our approach to managing migration in the Americas. Each of us — each of us is signing up to commitments that recognizes the challenges we all share and the responsibility that impacts on all of our nations.”

    “The Summit of the Americas was marred by Biden’s decision to exclude the leaders of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador boycotted the summit in response. The leaders of Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador also skipped the gathering.”

    Shouldn’t our government have been doing this all along and why not explain your presidential plan you were using before this so called new blue print plan?

    BIDEN: “The Los Angeles declaration is built around four core pillars. First, stability and assistance. Making sure that communities welcoming refugees can afford to care for them, to educate them, medical care, shelter, and job opportunities. Second, increasing pathways for legal migration throughout the region as well as protections for refugees. Third, working together in implementing a more humane and coordinated border management systems. And finally, making sure we are working to respond to emergencies.”

    I noticed the following:

    1-Nothing mentioned on migrant deaths so far relating to our borders. I saw no plan to battle that catastrophe nor names mentioned honoring their deaths and grieving families nor any kind of restitution.

    2-Nothing mentioned on Covid protocols in any of this border/immigration plan.

    3-Nothing mentioned on funding first responders on our borders that border patrol perform rescues in the now heat wave, no mention on detention facility funding and betterment.

    4-No mention of the shuffling of migrants to many undisclosed destinations.

    5-Zero follow up news on the 1/3 missing unaccompanied immigrant minors lost under his charge last year nor data on the rest of the unaccompanied immigrant minors. Zero plan on this.

    6-No mention on the presidents memo and it’s extremely vague exemptions for asylum.

    7-No mention why our president himself has continued to find time to travel to Uvalde by the borders and recently New Mexico yet not our southern border or any other port of entry to our United States that handles daily these issues he just spoke of a new unveiled plan as if he gave a concise plan before under his charge that was being implemented successfully.

    8-No mention of the drugs smuggled in our borders and the cost of lives that surpasses Covid deaths under his charge.

    9-No mention on beefing up security either for our ports of entry as the news has reported twenty plus individuals caught on the terrorists list.

    10-No mention of the already billion dollar loss to do nothing with border wall construction materials that are guarded and not being used for something.

    Politico-“Biden administration officials grumbled about their Western Hemisphere truants. They monitored the Jan. 6 hearings on Capitol Hill and marveled at how little the national media tuned into events unfolding around the current president. They joked that expectations heading into the summit were so low that they probably would have to botch the proceedings to command much attention”

    “Tension shadowed the summit from the start. The U.S. opted against inviting the autocratic nations of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela because of political optics and the countries’ human rights records. That inflamed other nations in the region, prompting Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to skip the summit and send his foreign minister instead.”

    “Other nations also boycotted while some that did come, including the leaders of Belize and Argentina, used their moments in the spotlight to upbraid Biden for excluding their neighbors.”Politico 6/11/2022

    Kristen Burns-Warren

  17. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Is it just other types of fences?

    Today the public at large waits for the total by the end of this month on staffers that have left the White House or out in for re-assignments.

    The last I read top aids for VP Harris was at thirteen. Then it’s hard to decipher when adding on the early reports of 2/3 White House press staffers massive exodus then try the perplexing numbers that left under President Joe Biden. We need total on all part-time as well in the report for true transparency.

    Is this or isn’t this the proverbial fence jumping?

    Aren’t big groups of staffers with our current administration leaving and have they not been cited in reports that they didn’t feel valued, didn’t see the changes they had hoped for, were frustrated with the work environment? This isn’t painting a picture of contentment nor of loyalty but more that individuals are willing to stand for what they believe in and they believe the grass is greener on the other side of the razor wire fence erected around the Whitehouse so long ago.

    Many staffers never made it even to their first year anniversary while their positions left vacant until a replacement is found which can be four plus months to fill so how is the wheel of that machine running efficiently with so many voids in the vehicle for daily production?

    Our government now does lots of environmental speeches yet their own environment in the White House should resonate.
    “The abrupt exits of Cecilia Martinez and David Kieve from the White House’s Council on Environmental Quality sparked alarm among environmental justice experts.” Politico

    Politico May 31 got two quotes from White House staffers -“The departures have been so pronounced that, according to one current and one former White House official, some Black aides have adopted a term for them: “Blaxit.”

    “The White House press operation has been particularly hard-hit by the race for the exits. Two-thirds of its staff have chosen to leave the Biden team in a successful search for better-paid, lower-stress positions elsewhere.”
    Source INews.Co.UK

    Here staffers that left the White House claim “they aren’t valued.”

    It’s blatantly obvious employees in the White House are quitting mass exodus or mass transferring to other jobs and the name BLAXIT concerns is reported from The Washington Informer,NY Post, Politico, Mehr News Agency,Le Journey de Quebec,The Grio, Xinhua etc. many of these job changes are headlined mass exodus and discrimination with folks that identify as African American that used to work for Kamala Harris.


    “Jeff Zients, President Biden’s coronavirus response co-ordinator, will be leaving the White House after 14 months on the job this month while Emily Horne, the spokeswoman for the National Security Council, left her position on March 25.”

    Ms Groob will replace Kate Childs Graham, Ms Harris’s director of speechwriting, who left at the end of February.


    10 key officials in the veep’s office have quit in just 14 months

    And consider this: The Post said Ms. Singh “is at least the ninth key official to depart the veep’s office since this past summer — joining director of digital strategies Rajun Kaur, director of advance Karly Satkowiak, deputy director of advance Gabrielle DeFranceschi, communications director Ashley Etienne, chief spokesman Symone Sanders, director of press operations Peter Velz, deputy director of public engagement Vince Evans, and speechwriting director Kate Childs Graham.”

    The 12 staffers who have left or are leaving Harris’ office since June 
    Tina Flournoy, chief of staff 
    Michael Fuchs, deputy chief of staff 
    Nancy McEldowney, National Security Adviser
    Sabrina Singh, deputy press secretary
    Kate Childs Graham, head speechwriter 
    Symone Sanders, senior adviser and chief spokesperson
    Ashley Etienne, communications director  
    Peter Velz, director of press operations 
    Vince Evans, senior aide 
    Karly Satkowiak, director of advance
    Gabrielle DeFranceschi, deputy director of advance 
    Rajan Kaur, director of digital strategies 

    13 staffer leaves by FOX

    We will soon know how badly “The Great Resignation” has hit the White House itself. At the end of June, the administration must submit an annual salary report to Congress that will show the extent of staff turnover within White House walls.

    At least 25 Black staffers have left Biden’s White House since late last year and more plan to leave. According to one API report, they claim their jobs lack substance and seem almost trivial at times. Others report they get little support from superiors and no promotions except a few lateral moves.

    “A friend in need is a friend indeed” will now go down in history with “And I haven’t been to Europe” as one of Harris’s worst moments.”

    “At the same press conference in Poland, Harris opened by saying, “I am here. Standing. Here. on the northern flank, on the eastern flank, talking about what we have in terms of the eastern flank and our NATO allies, and what is at stake at this very moment.”

    “Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia,” Harris said. “Russia is a bigger country.”


    “Nearly 4.3 million workers voluntarily quit their jobs in August, the Labor Department said Tuesday. That was up from four million in July and is by far the most in the two decades the government has been keeping track.”

    What was that? Where’s the numbers? The real numbers now?

    “President Biden spoke on Friday on the closing day of the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles. He unveiled a new plan to address migration.
    President Joe Biden: “Twenty countries coming together to launch the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection. With this declaration, we’re transforming our approach to managing migration in the Americas. Each of us — each of us is signing up to commitments that recognizes the challenges we all share and the responsibility that impacts on all of our nations.”
    The Summit of the Americas was marred by Biden’s decision to exclude the leaders of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador boycotted the summit in response. The leaders of Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador also skipped the gathering.”

    Politico-“Biden administration officials grumbled about their Western Hemisphere truants. They monitored the Jan. 6 hearings on Capitol Hill and marveled at how little the national media tuned into events unfolding around the current president. They joked that expectations heading into the summit were so low that they probably would have to botch the proceedings to command much attention”

    “Tension shadowed the summit from the start. The U.S. opted against inviting the autocratic nations of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela because of political optics and the countries’ human rights records. That inflamed other nations in the region, prompting Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to skip the summit and send his foreign minister instead.”

    “Other nations also boycotted while some that did come, including the leaders of Belize and Argentina, used their moments in the spotlight to upbraid Biden for excluding their neighbors.”Politico 6/11/2022

    I would say the exclusion of other nations for the summit didn’t break down any kind of proverbial political fences but erected proverbial higher and taller fences by the other nations that boycotted the summit. It’s rather hypocritical as our president keeps postponing his other foreign land trips such as most recent plans to Saudi Arabia yet for a summit negotiations stands firm on certain countries he will not negotiate with.

    That right there is a tall fence he made with no gate visible to try for any semblance of progress for the better.

    Could these nonsensical or alienating public statements from our president or our ill prepared Vice President be the reason for staff fence jumping?

    Kristen Burns-Warren

  18. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Our Border Czar Memories quick start up

    “At the same press conference in Poland, Harris opened by saying, “I am here. Standing. Here. on the northern flank, on the eastern flank, talking about what we have in terms of the eastern flank and our NATO allies, and what is at stake at this very moment.”

    “Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia,” Harris said. “Russia is a bigger country.”

    Border Czar immigration disappears from VP Harris’s public schedule.

    That’s sweetly rich!! So while officials met to talk about immigration she went to get herself treats that day.

    We don’t know if Vice President of the United States knows about this or orchestrated this but here it is-The shuffle continues only this made the news shockingly.

    We will know by the end of this month the total staff that have left working for Kamala Harris.

    Don’t be bedazzled by the words creation of jobs but “ filling employment. Do not be fooled on the economy as you shop the shelves and pay also at the pumps. This information is never in any White House brief by our VP.
    “Nearly 4.3 million workers voluntarily quit their jobs in August, the Labor Department said Tuesday. That was up from four million in July and is by far the most in the two decades the government has been keeping track.”

    No mention by VP on the data of fentanyl or ISO deaths flooding in our borders.


    Steel according to civil today.com lists the many uses in civil engineering for steels. Steel here is listed showing it’s eco friendliness from reducing CO2 emissions, used for making cars which can be more environmentally friendly, steel making requires low energy for lightweight steel, and biggest point steel is the WORLDS MOST RECYCLED PRODUCT YET THE BORDER WALL IS NOT USED for all these uses by our current administration that touts eco friendliness! Total loss so far is over a billion dollars to do NOTHING with the wall construction materials but guard it.

    News correspondent Bill Melugin, who has been covering the southern border, recently learnedthrough a Freedom of Information Act request that there were at least 23 individuals flagged on the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database, which tracks known or suspected terrorists, who were caught at the southern border in 2021.”

    Kristen Burns-Warren

  19. Kristen Burns-Warren

    More Border Crisis Memories

    “According to the lawsuit, the Biden administration failed to notify interested parties of their proposed actions and address comments from those interested parties before promulgating rules.”

    “The lawsuit also argues that the Biden administration still has in place several coronavirus-related orders requiring either proof of vaccination, negative test or mask, and therefore cannot rescind a policy meant to prevent the introduction of COVID-19 into the United States.” https://www.borderreport.com/hot-topics/immigration/texas-files-10th-border-crisis-lawsuit-against-biden-administration/

“Since the launch of Operation Lone Star, multi-agency efforts have led to more than 236,000 migrant apprehensions, along with almost 14,000 criminal arrests — and more than 11,300 felony charges. Over 3,800 weapons and almost $30 million in currency have been seized. In the fight against fentanyl, DPS has seized over 300 million lethal doses throughout the state.”
    Look at the old report on how many states have joined lawsuits against the Biden/ Harris Administration.

    “The following states have joined the Border Strike Force: Arizona, Texas, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Indiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming.”

    Is there or isn’t there a drug cartel problem going on that continues to flood illegal drugs like fentanyl, ISO to heroine etc. in through our borders?

    “Drug cartels have been active in 37 Tennessee counties. That’s the latest count from state, federal and local law enforcement who call this a Tennessee emergency. One that’s in many cases, taxing their resources. They say it all stems from the border crisis.”

    What’s this new blue print our president is pushing for now on our border crisis he continues to fail to even go to?

    How was his plan working out before that he requires a new and improved blueprint version eighteen months later?

    What happened to the folks that used to protest on our border crisis? How do you things have hanged, importuned or been worse with not only little news but little focus by folks that used to seem interested?

    Remember these protests but not any more as if our border crisis isn’t happening in the here and now Biden/ Harris Administration! https://wlos.com/news/local/people-protest-in-asheville-over-ongoing-crisis-at-the-border

    When was the last time you saw the detention centers make a headline?

    Now this was back last year when the news of course has to found from the UK because here the reporters that used to report on the border crisis stopped or rarely report the border crisis as if it’s not a problem and as if it is improving!

    “Compare this to FY 2019, when things at the Southwest border were so bad that the DHS secretary declared a “border emergency”. Of the 977,509 Border Patrol apprehensions that year, 79 percent (774,232) were from Mexico or the Northern Triangle; the remaining 21 percent (203,277) were OTM/ONTs, and at the time even that number seemed like a problem. It’s now “the good old days”.
    Where are those OTM/ONTs coming from? More than 15,000 Colombian nationals were apprehended last month at the Southwest border, as were just over 16,000 Nicaraguans, almost 32,100 Cubans, and nearly 2,000 Turkish nationals.”

    “Our diplomatic relations with Nicaragua and Cuba are not good, and nationals of those countries know that even if they get caught, they are getting released. The Colombians and Turkish nationals may not be so confident, but they sense an opportunity and are taking it.
    Most problematic, however, are the “Others”.

    “CBP breaks encounters down by 20 specific nationalities, from Canadians to Burmese, and those Others are OTM/ONTs who don’t fit into any of them. Last month, Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 7,000 Others, proving news of the president’s lax border policies is spreading worldwide.
    Again, March saw the largest number of monthly Southwest border apprehensions of “Others” in history. That means that there is no limit for how large the border disaster can grow.”

    “If the president wonders why so many illegal migrants are showing up now, he need go no further than my last post, where I explained that his DHS has released — in violation of the detention mandates in the Immigration and Nationality Act — more than 836,000 illegal migrants since he was sworn in.”By CIS.ORG

    Read what border agents have to say about the border crisis because they are there and our president and Vice aren’t!

    Here I am going to list just four of the many points reported on the budget for our border crisis and hope others read the lengthy link-

    * Over 2.9 million border encounters since Joe Biden became president, which is a 426% increase over the previous year
    * 976,000 pounds of narcotics – including 12,200 pounds of fentanyl – have been seized by border patrol over the last year, enough to kill every American man, woman, and child six times over
    * $6 million being paid each day to Department of Defense contractors to not build the wall
    * $350 million of already-purchased, border wall steel continues to rust at the southern border


    Lastly a great memory article on our border crisis-

    “During the 2020 presidential campaign, we were told by presidential candidate Joe Biden and his supporters in the corporate media that what they called the racist, xenophobic immigration policies of the Trump administration would be a thing of the past once Biden was elected president. Never again would foreign nationals be barred from entering the United States because of their religion, race, or nationality or because of Covid-19. After all, as Biden tweeted, “Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it [Covid-19],” and “We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering.”

    “Almost immediately after moving into the White House, President Biden and his appointees opened the southern border and unprecedented numbers of illegal border-crossers from countries all around the world flooded in. At the same time, the Biden administration continued to deny entry to individuals residing in Mexico who routinely crossed the border legally, thereby rewarding illegal activity while discriminating against legal border crossers and devastating American businesses that relied on cross-border trade. And, of course, there was and still is no legal mandate requiring that illegal entrants be tested and/or vaccinated before they are transported around the country by the U.S. government and released into communities where they seed Covid and its variants into those communities.
    Even the Delta and Omicron variants haven’t impacted the administration’s open-borders, no-testing, no-vaccination policy for illegal entrants.”

    “The administration continues to flood communities all over the United States with unprecedented numbers of unvaccinated illegal aliens. Adults are free to work illegally without being vaccinated as long as they work for companies that do not have vaccination mandates. And when required, illegal aliens can readily obtain fake vaccination cards at the same time they obtain fraudulent Social Security cards, fraudulent driver’s licenses, and fraudulent green cards from their local fraudulent-document dealers in order to get jobs with companies that require vaccinations. The fact that illegal aliens routinely commit multiple felonies (forgery, identity theft, Social Security fraud, perjury on I-9 forms, etc.) by obtaining these fraudulent documents is ignored by the Biden administration.
    Most recently and fully consistent with its immigration and Covid policies that favor illegal aliens, the Biden administration banned citizens of eight African nations from the United States due to the discovery of the Omicron variant in their region. So if you illegally cross the southern border there is no requirement you be tested or vaccinated because when it comes to illegal aliens, science is situational, as explained by Dr. Fauci who, when asked about testing and vaccinations for illegal aliens, responded: “That’s a different issue.”

    “However, if you happen to be a person from the southern end of the African continent, you are banned from legally traveling to the United States even if you are able to provide a negative Covid test and proof of vaccination, but that is not racist or xenophobic because it follows the situational science that applies to legal entrants.”

    “On the other hand, if you are someone who resides on the south side of the southern border of the United States, until very recently, you were denied entry into the United States even if you were tested and vaccinated.”

    “But if you illegally crossed the border untested and unvaccinated you were and continue to be welcomed by the Biden administration and somehow this policy is not discriminatory.”

    “Furthermore, if you are an American citizen or foreign national traveling to the United States from abroad, you are required to be tested within one day of the flight’s departure and to be vaccinated. But if you can get to the southern border and cross illegally you are welcomed with open arms by the Biden administration without vaccination and without testing because you now fall under the special rules that apply to illegal entrants.”
    “And if you are an American citizen or legal resident who wants to have a job in order to feed your family, the Biden administration would deny you that right unless you are fully vaccinated, but if you are illegally in the United States you are free to do as you please.”

    “Taking all of this into account, the unfortunate bottom line is that the Biden administration’s open-borders policy imports and facilitates the spread of Covid and its variants throughout the United States while President Biden and public health officials place the entire blame for the spread of Covid and its variants squarely on the shoulders of unvaccinated Americans and on people from southern Africa.”

    Kristen Burns-Warren

  20. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Making History

    (CNN) “At least 650 people died attempting to cross the US-Mexico border this year, more than any other year since an international agency began documenting deaths in 2014.”

    “There were also 12,854 Border Patrol rescues this past fiscal year, far surpassing the previous four years, which is as far back as the agency has tracked this data. The previous high was in 2019, with 5,335 rescues.”https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/09/politics/migrants-dying-crossing-us-mexico-border/index.html

    Acios reported 7/15/2021 that around 40% of undocumented immigrants died on their dangerous journey to the border and their bodies sent to a morgue in a town called Falfurrias in Texas where it was discovered they had “contracted COVID-19 prior to their deaths.”

    The report included details of Covid spread in 7,500 new Covid cases reported due to overcrowding in detention facilities in the U.S. based on a NY Times article.

    “Details: A Noticias Telemundo Investiga report shows an increased incidence of coronavirus in the bodies of migrants recovered in border states, as the number of deceased John and Jane Doe.” https://www.axios.com/2021/07/15/undocumented-migrant-covid-death-pandemic

    With employment memories the public needs to recall just how bad it was and how still bad it is.
    “Nearly 4.3 million workers voluntarily quit their jobs in August, the Labor Department said Tuesday. That was up from four million in July and is by far the most in the two decades the government has been keeping track.”

    This employment fact is never brought up and it was the most in two decades and employment didn’t improve every month later.

    As for the economy you should recall the dumping the government aid which was BORROWING by the way trillions in Covid aid bailouts and no true census on the still being discovered rampant Covid relief fraud and sometimes these individuals were awarded multiple rounds of Covid relief in which their debts were paid in full fraudulently undeserved aid.

    The government was stating rescue and at the same time paying folks not to work and the results was less people working and businesses were shutting down or barely surviving the staffing crisis shortage.

    Fact check Biden speech with Jimmy Kimmel claiming fastest growing economy is false!
    “Biden took office in late January 2021. Among the dozens of countries that saw faster real GDP growth than the US in 2021 were Ireland (13.5%), Chile (11.7%), Turkey (11%), Colombia (10.6%), India (8.7% for the fiscal year that began in April 2021), Greece (8.3%), Israel (8.2%), China (8.1%), the United Kingdom (7.4%), France (7%) and Italy (6.6%), according to figures published by the IMF and the countries’ governments. (Many countries’ growth rates were higher than usual in 2021 because their economies were rebounding from the 2020 economic crisis caused by the pandemic.”

    Fact: Inflation has increased since the day President Biden took office in January 2021, and began its rise to the fastest rate in 40-years directly after Democrats rammed through their partisan $2 trillion so-called COVID stimulus.
    * According to the San Francisco Fed, not only did Democrats’ spending increase inflation, it’s why the U.S. has higher inflation than most developed nations.
    * Democrats ignored the inflation warnings from former Obama-Biden Administration officials, including former Director of the National Economic Council Larry Summers, former “Auto Czar” Steven Rattner, and former Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers Jason Furman. (In fact, Furman attributes at least 2.5 percent of current inflationary pressure to the massive bill.)
    * During a Senate Finance Committee hearing, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen “pushed back on the notion that the country’s crippling inflation is being caused by corporations trying to rake in profits.” As the Washington Examiner reported.
    * https://gop-waysandmeans.house.gov/fact-check-biden-continues-to-pass-the-buck-on-inflation-and-still-doesnt-have-a-plan/

    Zero cost lie-
    The president is passing off his proposed expansion of government as costless, and a lot of smart people are going along with it.
    Anyone who has ever bought anything knows that the “cost” of something is not the net effect on your debt balance. If you bought $85 worth of groceries and paid from your debit account, you wouldn’t claim the cost of the purchase was zero. If you spend $85 on groceries, that’s $85 less you have to invest, or to spend at the movies or in restaurants. Clearly, that out‐ of‐ pocket cost is real to you—it’s a reasonable proxy of the monetary value of what you give up to make the purchase.
    In the same way, the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill has a $3.5 trillion sticker cost to the private sector of the economy. Those funds have to be raised, either through taxation or borrowing, which in the long run is just taxation deferred. This “cost” will be even larger if some of the programs are extended permanently. So while the question of who bears the cost is complicated—potentially incorporating both current and future taxpayers—nobody should claim that this is a zero cost bill. It is going to have a vast cost to the market sector of the U.S. economy, in fact, because it significantly increases the government’s claim on private resources.


    The infrastructure and budget reconciliation package combo debate deadline announced for Monday is now pushed back again for Thursday. We all know it is a rough draft blue print harried and non transparent as well as we all know it’s stuffed with pork, earmarks and favorite district but the title is in bold headline of it being the BIGGEST!!

    The old biggest brag is the original tall tale from hunting and gathering to today’s keeping up with the Jones’s to the every popular biggest toys palatial homes, cars, boats to the gadgetry that goes with the bragging rights of the biggest must always mean best. Factually everything bigger is not always best especially during a time with other other ignored crisis’s like our borders, our undoubtedly strained foreign relations and our military service men and women historical losses as well as military equipment or and who knows what all in intelligence sectors as we all hear general Miley when he called up Nancy Pelosi stating he was ordering direct disobeying of our nations president and personally called China!!

    We are to not think of any investigations on why Fauci lied nor clean up these dirty messes but be mesmerized by the enchanting re-tale of El Dorado…

    Political democrats pattern their propaganda in being “big firsts”
    with little to no insights on the consequences! The goal isn’t these plotiticians seeing anything through responsibly and showing fact by fact how it will work out in the long haul with certain flaws in operation, the ever present funding to keep it in operation nor the consequences which the democrats lie is of “zero” cost and thus free and transparent when it just the exact opposite costly, not shown to truly work in same conditions nor has any immediate payback plan, any kind of lifetime guarantee nor any semblance of variable rates to variable defects. It simply out looks good on paper a historical trophy if you will.

    The current reconciliation bill doesn’t reconcile but is the same old shell game that our democrats crow on stages there is always more than enough rich people to simply pay for all that these politicians claim is free.

    What happens when they drained all the millionaires not in the democrat political gang exempt club??

    How many millionaires do you honestly believe are left that are not running our country??
    The millionaires consist of folks like Nancy Pelosi who doesn’t public post her tax filings or elitists like millionaire Elizabeth Warren and try taking a guess on Kamala Harris’s tax filings when you talk wealthy millionaires!!

    There is zero transparency even now on our current deficit as if these numbers are meet mirages and a grand Utopia awaits if only we reach higher for the cap ceiling!

    We need to spend more has worked out how well so far folks??? That’s right pretty bad when put it clearly on paper the losses still going on not fixed but dripping like a hole in a dam soon to blow!!

    This one is not propagandized like the others by for example borrowing heavy from foreign lands like China but the older trick to say millionaires pay for it all is back in all its brassy tarnished glory!! But it is not just the millionaires that will be effected no not at all. This rushed and focused on momentous never been done before circus Houdini act is all about convincing not only Republicans but democrats that this blue print is iron clad, the real McCoy, the best thing since sliced bread as it slices ginzo knives whirling up the dough of others. This yellowed brick road is paved in the premise to tax higher “than what has been done in the last fifty years ” but not to fret the gaffes riddled often jolly man behind the curtain bellows!!

    Do not look at the facts of our ruinous waste in spending thus far!! Do not count historical losses and waste accountable!! Do not believe the cost is “zero!”

    The big government expects us all to be good little nod and clappers not stand and ask on class of classified transparency…

    Do not ask what the government will gain on each venue to “administer each venue”as they proclaim to always be impeccably trust worthy and have only the public of the non rich at heart!! They do not need to show accounting of profit and loss not one bit that’s right none, not at all!!

    Pay no attention to the already mountainous losses from fraudulent millions upon millions upon millions in so called Covid relief!

    Pay no attention to the Covid relief sent out to dead people still not accounted for!

    Pay no attention to the unemployment status but key us bedazzle you with the rewording on open as in vacant not filled jobs as we put more into the kitty for federal workers with extra pay and extra created holiday or the ruse of police reform which is just a caress word for defunding the police sectors!!

    Pay no attention to how our democrats elevate victimizers more than victims in the ruse to pander.

    They are busy trying to be in historical!!

    Kristen Burns-Warren

  21. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Historical changes

    Right now Mayra Flores made history winning in the Rio Grande area that for over a hundred years was controlled by democrats.

    Flores winner was just reported the winner and is a nurse practitioner, wife to a border patrol agent and the area’s chosen favorite. It speaks volumes to the community from a person that not only knowledgeable by participating in the vital health sector but also that her husband understands our border issues because he lives it day by day on his job versus politicians that have ignored our borders for eighteen months.

    The CenterSquare June 14, 2022 reported in their headline Flores first Mexican-born Republican to win congressional race in Rio Grande Valley since Reconstruction. In the report Mayra Flores said:

    “This historic win will bring back God to the halls of Congress,” Flores said after her win. “This win is for the people who were ignored for so long! This is a message that the establishment will no longer be tolerated! We have officially started the red wave!!”

    “Wife to a Border Patrol agent, her pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, and pro-law enforcement platform prioritizes border security and legal immigration.”

    Politico reported 6/15/2022 “Flores immigrated from Tamaulipas, Mexico when she was six years old and grew up in the Rio Grande Valley region. In addition to working as a respiratory care practitioner, Flores served as the Hidalgo County GOP Hispanic Outreach chair to increase and maintain Republican support among Latinos in the area — which has been ramping up in recent years.”

    E &E Daily News quoted Flores “It is time that we bring the policies that were working. It cannot be that we accept what is happening in our country right now,” she told supporters following her win.
    “And it’s not about politics. This is hurting real people,” Flores said. “The policies that are being placed right now are hurting us. We cannot accept the increase of gas, of food, of medication. We cannot accept that.”
    She added, “And we have to state the facts: that under President Trump, we did not have this mess in this country. It was his policies that helped us prosper.”

    Panic is reported spreading into Democrat districts in the interior in Texas scrambling to circumvent more losses. Shouldn’t democrats have seen this coming? People notice when our borders are neglected, when the economy is bad as food prices soar same as with rent and gas effecting everyone.

    Politico separate story headlined
    Latino Democrats vent their fury after foreboding special election loss in Texas added
    “I hope the DCCC learns their lesson with this before it happens across the country,” said Democratic Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, who due to redistricting will face GOP Rep.-elect Mayra Flores this fall in a redrawn district.
    “They have just forgotten about the brown people on the border,” Gonzalez continued. “And that’s basically what it is. I’m not going to try to sugarcoat it anymore. They are taking Latinos in South Texas for granted.”

    History was made and congratulations to Mayra!

    Kristen Burns-Warren

  22. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Wanted to share some of this story on our border crisis Politico published 6/16/2022.

    “The article was published in partnership with The Marshall Project, a nonprofit news organization covering the U.S. criminal justice system. Sign up for their newsletters, and follow them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.”

    ‘No Place for a Child’: 1 in 3 Migrants Held in Border Patrol Facilities Is a Minor

    “After the Title 42 expulsions end, officials say they are bracing for a big upsurge of migrants entering the country, with estimates as high as 18,000 a day, including many children. With a return to regular law, many of those migrants will be detained for processing, potentially overwhelming already packed Border Patrol facilities, and intensifying crowding and prolonging processing times for minors in custody.”

    Yet a 20-page border security blueprint Mayorkas released in late April, outlining extensive preparations for lifting Title 42, includes no details of any plan to improve the Border Patrol’s handling of children.

    1 in 3 people detained is a minor
    “Of the total people detained by the Border Patrol between February 2017 and June 2021, 1 in 3 was under 18 years old. More than 650,000 children and teenagers have been held during that time, including at least 220,000 who spent more than 72 hours in custody. After dropping sharply at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic due in part to Title 42, these detentions have risen again under Biden.”

    “Among Border Patrol officers, frustration has simmered over the responsibilities they have for dealing with children, when the agency has given them little training or support to meet the demands for child-oriented care.
    In Del Rio, agents regularly risk their own safety along the turbulent stretch of the Rio Grande to save migrant children from drowning. In March, agents pulled two children, ages two and three, from the water as their Venezuelan parents lost their footing in the rushing water.”

    “In every month so far this year, stations across the border have been full beyond their 5,000-person total daily capacity, with more than 16,000 migrants in custody on some days, Chief Ortiz said, crowding the spaces for children. “It’s not going to be as comfortable as they would like,” he said.

    Please read the rest at-

    Kristen Burns-Warren

  23. Kristen Burns-Warren



    According to the report, the states with the highest fentanyl deaths last year were:
    * Florida
    * California
    * Ohio
    * New York
    * Pennsylvania
    * North Carolina
    * Tennessee
    * Illinois
    * Maryland
    * New Jersey


    May report is in by CPB
    Unaccompanied children for May increased 21 percent with reported 14,699 unaccompanied minors. See all categories below.

    “CBP Southwest Border Enforcement Numbers for May 2022
    The large number of expulsions during the pandemic has contributed to a higher-than-usual number of migrants making multiple border crossing attempts, which means that total encounters somewhat overstate the number of unique individuals arriving at the border.
    * The number of unique individuals encountered nationwide in May 2022 was 177,793, a 15 percent increase in the number of unique enforcement encounters over the prior month.
    * In total, there were 239,416 encounters along the southwest land border in May, a 2 percent increase compared to April. Of those, 25 percent involved individuals who had at least one prior encounter in the previous 12 months, compared to an average one-year re-encounter rate of 15 percent for FY2014-2019.
    * 69 percent of all southwest land border encounters were single adults, with 165,200 encounters in May, a 2 percent decrease compared to April.
    * 100,699 southwest land border encounters, 42 percent of the total, were processed for expulsion under Title 42. 138,717 southwest land border encounters were processed under Title 8.
    * 90,650 encounters involving single adults (55 percent of all single adult encounters) were processed for expulsion under Title 42, with 74,550 processed under Title 8.
    * 9,850 encounters involving family unit individuals (17 percent of all family unit individuals) were processed for expulsion under Title 42, with 49,432 processed under Title 8.
    Unaccompanied Children
    * Encounters of unaccompanied children along the southwest land border increased 21 percent, with 14,699 encounters in May compared with 12,180 in April. In May, the average number of unaccompanied children in CBP custody was 692 per day, compared with an average of 479 per day in April.
    Family Unit individuals
    * Encounters of family unit individuals along the southwest land border increased by 8 percent from 55,092 in April to 59,282 in May—which is a 32 percent decrease from the peak of 86,631 in August 2021.”
    To see rest of report go here-


    Kristen Burns-Warren

  24. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Article on our border crisis by FAIR

    FAIR Analysis: The Biden Border Crisis Continues to Get Worse

    Thu, June 16, 2022, 2:38 PM·4 min read
    WASHINGTON, June 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Federation for American Immigration Reform issued the following statement, as well as a deeper dive into record-setting May border numbers, based on data released late June 15 by the Biden administration:

    Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is a national, nonprofit, public-interest, membership organization of concerned citizens who share a common belief that our nation’s immigration policies must be reformed to serve the national interest. Visit FAIR’s website at http://www.fairus.org .

    “May was a record-setting month for the Biden administration. Record high gas prices, 40-year high inflation numbers, and a record number of illegal aliens encountered at our borders – surpassing the old record set all the way back…in April,” noted Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

    “But even the raw number of 239,416 border encounters does not tell the full story. In May, U.S. Customs and Border Protection apprehended an unprecedented number of criminals, gang members, and lethal drugs pouring across the border that will almost certainly lead to a new record in opioid-related deaths. Safe to say, none of these are the sort of records the American public were looking for when they elected Joe Biden. In fact, the best thing that can be said about the crisis the president has created at the border is that it could have been a whole lot worse if not for the fact the a federal judge blocked President Biden’s plan to end Title 42 last month. And yet, in spite of the mounting disaster, President Biden steadfastly refuses to change any of the policies that truly are the root causes of this crisis,” Stein said.
    FAIR Border Snapshot for May 2022
    * Southwest border encounters set another single-month record in May.
    * CBP had 239,416 migrant encounters at the Southwest border in May 2022, including 165,200 single adults, 59,517 family units, and 14,699 unaccompanied minors.
    * This is the HIGHEST number of monthly encounters in the last two decades. 
    * Since President Biden took office, there have been over 2.9 million migrant encounters at the southern border alone. 
    * May was the 15th straight month with more than 150,000 encounters 
    * CBP expelled only 42 percent of individuals under Title 42 in May 2022, again highlighting the Biden administration’s refusal to fully utilize the public health authority.
    * One thing to keep in mind: border encounter numbers do not include those who got away from immigration authorities. CBP sources quietly revealed that there have been 440,000 “known gotaways” at the border since Fiscal Year 2022 began. This already exceeds reports of 390,000 known gotaways in all of Fiscal Year 2021.
    Notable Criminal Activity in May 2022
    * The Biden border crisis is much more than migrants seeking asylum – criminals, weapons, and trafficked persons are coming across our border in record numbers.
    * Border Patrol agents arrested two child sex offenders, five MS-13 gang members, and a Paisas gang member together, many of whom had been previously deported from the United States
    * Agents arrested an MS-13 gang member from El Salvador who had been previously arrested in Atlanta in connection with a kidnapping and murder
    * CBP officers seized over $550,000 worth of cocaine at a single port of entry, and later seized more than $1.5 million worth of cocaine at the World Trade Bridge.
    * In Laredo, TX agents shut down a criminal trafficker’s stash house that contained over 60 illegal aliens from Central America

    The Biden Drug Crisis is the Greatest Public Health Threat
    * In May 2022, CBP seized 620 pounds of drugs.
    * Fentanyl seizures continue to climb, totaling 405 pounds since the start of the fiscal year.
    * Since January, CBP has seized 470 pounds of cocaine.
    * Methamphetamine seizures are on the rise – CBP has seized an astounding 1,735 pounds of meth since January.
    Contact: Preston Huennekens, 202-328-7004 or phuennekens@fairus.org

    ABOUT FAIR        
    Founded in 1979, FAIR is the country’s largest immigration reform group. With over 3 million members and supporters nationwide, FAIR fights for immigration policies that serve national interests, not special interests. FAIR believes that immigration reform must enhance national security, improve the economy, protect jobs, preserve our environment, and establish a rule of law that is recognized and enforced.

  25. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Even after the most recent report by CPB with every historical details again made public our current administration as well as news ignores our border crisis.

    The amount of rescues reported by CPB is astonishing yet eighteen months has only got worse. We are in here hottest months now. Have your heard our President or Vice discuss this to the public?

    The amounts of unaccompanied children entering our borders has no reaction from our administration, the amount of arrests detailing the criminal activities on apprehensions didn’t budge this administration to address anything as CPB listed apprehensions of such grave offenses as rape, kidnapping to robberies.

    This administration is steadfast to continue to neglect our border crisis even with the illegal drug seizures. By not informing the public the truth the synthetic opioid wave is a Tsunami.

    Reporters don’t report how individuals are getting the synthetic opioids.

    Reporters don’t mention how deadly drugs such as fentanyl, ISO or Carfentanil surface on the streets. Do you know how lethal they are? Do you know the average per day deaths by these synthetic opioids?

    Reporters don’t question these deadly drug origins that just keep flooding in our nation through our borders.

    Reporters normally list the skyrocketing death tolls or the skyrocketing hospitalization to recovery centers never the steps to curb step one these drugs from being sold to individuals that will soon become an addict or possibly another death by synthetic Opioid statistic.

    Reporters rarely write about the cost to law enforcement many areas hugely defunded that battle to keep these lethal synthetic opioids from killing more individuals, reporters don’t report the amount of overdoses and chronic cost on all these overdose drug related rescues nor how synthetic opioids has long since surpassed Covid deaths and only continues to spike in overdose deaths.

    Brookings.edu by Vanda Felbab-Brown March 2022

    “Synthetic opioids remain the source of the deadliest U.S. drug epidemic ever. Since 1999, drug overdoses have killed approximately 1 million Americans,1 an overdose lethality that has increased significantly since 2012 when synthetic opioids from China began supplying the U.S. demand for illicit opioids.”

    “Even though China placed the entire class of fentanyl-type drugs and two key fentanyl precursors under a controlled regulatory regime in May 2019, it remains the principal (if indirect) source of U.S. fentanyl. Fentanyl scheduling and China’s adoption of stricter mail monitoring has created some deterrence effects. Instead of finished fentanyl being shipped directly to the United States, most smuggling now takes place via Mexico. Mexican criminal groups source fentanyl precursors — and increasingly pre-precursors — from China, and then traffic finished fentanyl from Mexico to the United States. Scheduling of fentanyl and its precursors in China is not sufficient to stem flows to the United States.”

    According to NPR.org May 11,2022 Rhitu

    “New provisional data released by the federal government estimates that nearly 108,000 people died from drug overdoses from January to December, 2021.”

    “That’s about a 15% increase from the number of deaths in 2020,” says Farida Ahmad, a research scientist with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics. Nearly 94,000 died in 2020.
    The year-to-year rise in overdose deaths was much higher from 2019 to 2020, jumping by a historic 30%. While the rise in deaths slowed down in 2021, the total number of deaths is still the highest annual overdose deaths ever recorded in the U.S.”
    “Over 80,000 of those deaths involved opioids, which was about a 15% increase from last year,” says Ahmad.
    And more than 71,000 of all opioid related deaths involved illegally manufactured fentanyl, which in recent years has been mixed in with a range of illicit drugs.

    You can see the severe disconnect involving our nations top killer of our population by synthetic opioids news articles one by one.

    The consistency is eighteen months in which our border crisis and its dire problems has never been given our any priority by our president or Vice President.

    You have to dig to find honest journalists that acknowledge this multi layer crisis and the CPB reports shines like a beacon of ineptness by this administration to course correct. Read the reports line by line.

    Kristen Burns-Warren

  26. Kristen Burns-Warren

    “There’s scouts throughout all those hills. It wouldn’t even be far-fetched to say that there’s individuals up there right now watching us as we’re sitting here,” National Border Patrol Council Vice President Art Del Cueto told The Daily Caller News Foundation as he walked along the border.

    “It looks real peaceful, and you don’t see anything coming across,” Del Cueto said.
    Cartels, like Sinaloa, are increasingly trafficking deadly fentanyl and other drugs into Arizona, utilizing the remote deserts, children going into the U.S. every day for school, and gaps in the border wall, according to Del Cueto and other officials who spoke with The Daily Caller News Foundation. The cartels know Border Patrol is understaffed and that many agents are off the frontlines due to the massive influx of migrants.

  27. Kristen Burns-Warren

    Governor Abbott to Update Border Crisis at Wednesday Press Conference
    Posted on June 28, 2022
    (WBAP/KLIF) — The growing border crisis continues in the wake of more than 50 migrants dying near San Antonio.

    Governor Greg Abbott will provide a border security update in Eagle Pass, TX, Wednesday afternoon, to address the growing crisis. The governor will update the public on the state’s response to the surge of illegal immigrants, drug trafficking, and gun smuggling. Also appearing at the press conference are Adjutant General of Texas, Thomas Suelzer, and Department of Public Safety Director Steve McGraw.
    The briefing begins at 2 p.m., followed by a press conference.

  28. Kristen Burns-Warren

    “This was the first press conference the governor has held since the discovery of a stifling trailer in San Antonio where dozens of migrants died after being abandoned in the sweltering heat, few identities of the victims have been made public, illustrating the challenges authorities face in tracing people who cross borders clandestinely. The number of dead rose to 53 on Wednesday after two more migrants died, according to the Bexar County Medical Examiner’s Office. Forty of the victims were male and 13 were female, it said.”

    “The bodies were discovered Monday afternoon on the outskirts of San Antonio in what is believed to be the nation’s deadliest smuggling episode on the U.S.-Mexico border. More than a dozen people were taken to hospitals, including four children. Three people have been arrested.”


  29. Kristen Burns-Warren

    No disclosure on health checks for children in facility, no disclosure on how many children will be in this new facility, their ages and of age limits /what’s next if they “age out”, security to guardian outings,when the immigrant children can get visits from family and when they will be reunited with their biological families either.



  30. Kristen Burns-Warren

    This isn’t shocking for politicians to slip in things in bills that is why they normally are around a thousand pages in the hopes nobody takes the time to read them and just “pass the bill to see what is in it.”

    Lots of action will be happening closing in on election time when 18 plus months it was idle.

    It is important to note many plotiticians spent eighteen months with ZERO interest in anything relating to immigration until now close to election…

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