Letter: The problem with highway banners

Graphic by Lori Deaton

While hanging a banner over a highway may seem trivial to some, the hazard created could be quite serious.

Imagine if the banner wasn’t securely affixed or was freed by high winds and dropped onto a moving car, obstructing the driver’s view. Imagine if this happened during rush-hour traffic.

Those responsible for hanging that banner could face some very serious charges. No one wants that. There are better and safer ways to communicate a message.

— David J. Zack
Chief of Police
City of Asheville Police Department


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11 thoughts on “Letter: The problem with highway banners

  1. Walter White

    Seriously, the Chief of Police wanders around writing letters in response to some innocuous other letter? Certainly seems like there are better and more effective uses of his time for Asheville. But, congratulations on telling people that a poorly hung banner could fall onto the roadway.

    • Robert

      I doubt Chief Zack is ‘wandering around’ writing letters. This likely took just a few minutes of his time and is useful information that has reached thousands of citizens, including many who might have good intentions with their activism but never considered certain realities or consequences. I wish more local leaders would consider being more vocal or public about a variety of challenges we face rather than hiding out in complicit silence or hiring consultants to oversee task forces to conduct studies.

      • Arnold Rimmer

        So, you really think this was the best or most effective use of his time?

        • Robert

          Very effective! He reached thousands of people simply by taking a few minutes to write a letter. No consultants. No committees. No big taxpayer expense. And when you think of the wasted resources (and car accidents) such a letter potentially helps us avoid…big win for those of us who care about safety.

          • Barney Miller

            Thousands of people? Come on, man. This was a pointless and useless exercise to pretentiously curry favor with your specific ilk. No one needs to actually be told that hanging banners over a highway is dangerous. But, people that run around acting like this was some grandiose methodology of communication are in fact, low-grade automatons. Maybe, he could pen another short burst and fully explain how the downtown collaborative effort never actually existed? Or, he could pontificate about how violating traffic laws is dangerous? Telling people something that they already should be are aware of isn’t community relations and I am sorry that you think it is or a leadership quality.

  2. Curious

    Will anyone explain what instance(s) of highway banners Chief Zack is referring to?

    • Enlightened Enigma

      prolly the routine home made ‘banners’ hung on the overpasses by ‘activists’ of all descriptions…

    • NFB

      The Flint St bridge (and sometimes the Montford one) over I-240 in downtown is often the sight of protesters draping banners over the edges to get the attention of people driving under it. Of late it has mostly been anti-Raytheon protests, but there have been others over the years.

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