Letter writer: North Carolina sanctions discrimination and hate

Graphic by Lori Deaton

I have watched from afar as the train wreck House Bill 2 is unleashed upon the North Carolina public. As a longtime resident of Black Mountain now living on the coast of Maine, I cannot help but feel saddened and deeply troubled as once again the Republican ruling parties unleash their bigoted venom upon the state I once called home.

I am a gay man, and I was forced to leave North Carolina three years ago as my marriage to my partner of 35 years was not recognized by the state of North Carolina. We still own a home in Black Mountain and had hoped that one day when civility prevailed that we might return to the place where we had 10 good years.

We did not make this decision to leave lightly. We have a strong faith community and large circle of dear friends in WNC. But because of who we are and who the small minds that govern us determined us to be, we were stripped of the rights that all other citizens of North Carolina enjoy and take for granted.

This newest abomination of a law, HB 2 — which strips gay men/ lesbians and transgender beings of any protection from discrimination — is an incitement to violence against the LGBT community. I no longer harbor any hope of being able to return to the place that once felt like home.

I have been judged to be unfit and unworthy of the same rights, values and protections afforded the vast majority of the citizens of North Carolina. My life has been sacrificed to election-year politics.

Gay lives do not matter in the state of North Carolina. This law shows how deeply callous and hateful the Republican legislature and Gov. [Pat] McCrory are. A state that sanctions discrimination and hate is not a place that I wish to call home.

  — Alan Kelly-Hamm
  Sandy Point, Maine/Black Mountain     


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41 thoughts on “Letter writer: North Carolina sanctions discrimination and hate

  1. The Real World

    What a tirade! Because it’s all about you, isn’t it? Just re-read your own letter.

    You make no mention about how Raleigh got shoved into a corner by the city of Charlotte.
    And not one word is offered about ALL of the people impacted by the change Charlotte wanted to make. That’s right, 99% of the population is not trans-gender but their views/interests get no acknowledgement.

    Here we go again with that “super special brand of diversity and tolerance”. I’m starting to get the thought process now — it’s like “my way or the highway”. Bleehh.

    • Lulz

      LOL, bingo. This isn’t about the useful idiots that the LGBT’s are. It’s about changing the culture to bring about more leftest crap lulz. Funny how the useful idiots are leaving places like Maine in droves to move here for cheaper living yet are turning the place into exactly where they left LOL. I guess destroying the native areas isn’t enough.

    • Megan

      Can you please list your source for the 99% of the population remark? Invalid without proof.

      • The Real World

        @Megan – think a little, please. Are 50% of the people in your life trans-gender? Are 25% or even 10%? You see.

        Trans-gender people (who deserve all respect and consideration, btw) are a tiny portion of the U.S. population. Yet, we are falling all over ourselves to cater to them while ignoring the needs/views of the vast majority. What kind of America is that?!

        Remember: the internet is your friend. But here, I saved you the trouble – “Since the Social Security Administration started in 1936, 135,367 people have changed their name to one of the opposite gender, and 30,006 also changed their sex accordingly, the study found. Of Americans who participated in the 2010 census, 89,667 had changed their names and 21,833 had also changed their sex.” From this article: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/09/upshot/the-search-for-the-best-estimate-of-the-transgender-population.html?_r=0

        Current adult population in the USA is approx 250,000,000 people. So, you’re right, my number is off. It’s more like 99.9% are NOT trans-gender. How about a some respect for them as well.

        • luther blissett

          “while ignoring the needs/views of the vast majority.”

          Like a fish that can’t identify water because it’s swimming in it, The “Real” “World” fails to appreciate that his needs as a straight white man — let’s face it, we know he’s a straight white man because nobody does misplaced whining over perceived grievance like them — are being met, by default, everywhere at all times.

          • The Real World

            Ding, ding, ding …. congratulations Luther: you win the prize today for – Most Presumptuous and Most Wrong

            But no prize for allowing your brain to be utterly high-jacked by the mainstream media (MSM) as you parrot one of their favorite memes lately. That prize has to be shared with millions who have: opinions via MSM headlines and spin (and yes, that applies to those of any political persuasion).

            Think for yourself, Luther, You will never regret it. And how about considering everyone involved in an issue; imagine how humane, considerate and inclusive that would be.

    • hauntedheadnc

      I always enjoy it when someone gets their knickers in a twist over the fact that the poor, oppressed majority is being denied the opportunity to oppress a minority. Yes, it is true that the vast majority of the population is neither LGB or T. However, that raises the question of exactly what percentage of the population a minority must comprise before discrimination against that minority is no longer acceptable.

      Every study I’ve found indicates that there is a higher percentage of LGBT individuals in the US than there is of Asians. If that’s the case, and if the minority percentage must reach a threshold before the majority is required to treat them as human beings, well then… Why on earth did we ever close the concentration camps out west? It ought to be open season on Asian-Americans, don’t you think?

  2. boatrocker

    Yea, I get it- you are discriminated against. I disagree with the new Jim Crow laws too.

    F’in vote, doofus cynical and under-educated millennials.
    The Internet does not count for being well educated.
    I popped the bubble and am so sorry for saying that as a trigger phrase.

    I do not agree with the current for being an open mined, educated and articulate ‘breeder’.

    – but so help me Sagan, the next LGBT person that calls me a ‘breeder’ -it’s clobberin time, much like Ben Grimm, aka the Thing does.
    Fantastic 4. Comic books. Ask your grandparents.

    “Breeder” is a bitchy ingrate term, like a minority of Civil Rights movement workers used for turning down white people’s boots on the ground for freedom rides and advocacy for changing the laws for the better aka The Voting Rights Act of Ask Your Grandparents.

    Are you willing to use far right hatemonger tactics against them (legally)?
    If no, then no more whiny letters. Save room for the Rayndian complainers, as both are empty arguments.

    Is the LGBT movement willing to physically confront cops for the purposes of self defense and the 1st Amendment (freedom of assembly)?

    Are you willing to become militant like Huey Newton’s Black Panthers? Again, get of your phones, learn the history of real protest.
    Buy guns, earn a CCW, carry them in public (safely, legally, responsibly, duh) when white trash Trumpers show up with baseball bats.

    Boycott- companies that don’t subscribe to your beliefs- ooooh no, you might have to give up (gasp)
    1st world conveniences. Sadly money talks in America. Again, ask the grandparents about boycotts.

    Much like Trevor Noah ( a comedian from South Africa, apartheid- oh goodness, ask your grandparents yet again) said, if you tweet your opinions,

    NO, YOU ARE NOT AN ACTIVIST if you do it on social media exclusively.

    Mix it up with The Man in the streets, earn your weekend in jail, your bloody cuts on the foreheads, police dogs, tear gas, water hoses, etc.

    Bernie Sanders did jail time for the Civil Rights movement after being roughed up by oinkers , He’s pro LGBT rights for all too.

    What is the ahem ‘movement’ willing to do for 100% equality under the law? How bad you you want it?

    • boatrocker

      That’s open minded, the current laws, and other typos. Edit your work too.
      Post 140 character writing is still attainable, but you know, attention span.

  3. Yep

    another silly and UNinformed drama queen wanting special rights and her tirade qualifies as a ‘micro aggression’ , right?

    her life’s been ‘sacrificed’ … roflmao …can you stand it?

    the only small minds that determined ‘what you are’ would be yourselves, as you have the same rights as other people … understanding how NC law works for you would be a good starting place. remaining ignorant is your call. NC law mirrors
    federal law and many other states by comparison.

    • bsummers

      understanding how NC law works for you would be a good starting place

      Understanding the gender of the person you’re ranting against would be a good starting place for you, it seems. The letter writer, ‘Alan’, indicated clearly that he is in fact a man. Did you read past the headline?

      If this is the level of care you apply to trying to understand the complex issues here, it’s not a good sign.

    • 1 just replied to your comment:
      mynameis just replied to your comment: “Unaffiliated, votes Democrat.” [COMMENT REMOVED]


      • And again,

        1 just replied to your comment:
        mynameis just replied to your comment: “Unaffiliated, votes Democrat.” [COMMENT REMOVED]


        • Huhsure

          They were in response to your doxxing of the writer, which was ALSO removed. You forgot to mention that bit.

          • Huhsure

            The author, Tim Peck, had his voter registration removed, and hasn’t voted in the state since 2012.

            You don’t live here, do you?

          • bsummers

            Maybe he got caught in one the “Voter Integrity Project” caging schemes. They’re rascally, they’re determined to drive people off the voter rolls, and they don’t always hit who they’re aiming at.

            “Sorry Tim. Friendly fire, buddy.”

          • Peter Robbins

            Above, he explained why he hasn’t voted since 2012 by saying that he’s not here anymore. (The comments are in scrambled order, presumably because of a removal action earlier). He didn’t say where he moved to or when he left.

          • bsummers

            I take that to be sarcasm on his part, meant to deflect the question. “Yeah, sure thing genius. “I’m not here. I don’t exist.””

            Will he confess where he is, or if he’s still here, why his voter registration was removed? I think we all know we can’t trust we’ll ever get the truth, at least not from him. But to lose his right to vote for four years, he must have done something more Peckish than usual.

          • Peter Robbins

            I see. I hope my willingness to take statements at face value will not leave my friend, “The Real World,” too disturbed.

          • Peter Robbins

            There might be a Bernie sticker on the letter writer’s car, too. The Google Earth image was inconclusive.

  4. Peter Robbins

    See how wrong you are, Letter Writer? Nothing but friendly people here.

  5. C

    I’m just confused, and the more I pay attention, the more confused I get. Is it a male who ID’s as a female that wants to use the female’s bathroom and visa versa? Or is it the other way around? Is there another way around? Is it bigoted to be turned around and spinning and obtuse? Two things are being made three, four, and five….now the original two things no longer have a set place. What other rights, specifically, and other than potty rights, does this bill clearly deny? Because, I keep hearing that this is more than just public bathroom rights – as if this bill has sweeping implications.

  6. bsummers

    Quick! Someone pass a bill making this illegal!!!

    Photographer Captures Two Male Lions ‘Mating’ In Botswana
    “Two male lions were recently photographed “mating” in Botswana, ignoring the lioness.

  7. That’s right. I’m not here. And may I say: Bravo.

    Also, dearie, I’m not the author of this LTE. Real cute, though. I see what you did there.

  8. Huhsure
    1 hour ago
    “The author, Tim Peck, had his voter registration removed, and hasn’t voted in the state since 2012.
    You don’t live here, do you?”

    That’s right. I’m not here. And may I say: Bravo.

    Also, dearie, I’m not the author of this LTE. Real cute, though. I see what you did there.

  9. Tracy Rose

    This conversation has gotten pretty far off track from commenting on the points raised by the letter writer. Please try to stay on topic. Thanks.

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