“Blue Dog” Shuler is still a puppy

In the Sept. 1 Xpress interview with our ambitious Congressman, Heath Shuler [“Blue Dogs Rule?”], it seems [that he] wants to be the Speaker of the House when Congress next convenes.

Quoting [Xpress reporter Jake Frankel]: “Asked whether he supports Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, Shuler expressed interest in running for the position himself.”

Later Shuler says: “So I haven’t ruled out the idea that I might not run [for Speaker].”

The current Speaker, Nancy Pelosi of San Fransisco, is a 23-year Congressional veteran; her predecessor Dennis Hastert served in Congress for 16 years. And before that we had Newt Gingrich, who was a 19-year veteran.

Shuler has spent a grand total of four years in the Congress. Other notable Speakers include the venerable Sam Rayburn, Tip O’Neil and Tom Foley.

The Speaker is elected by a majority vote of the Congress. Does Mr. Shuler really think that the liberal Democrat leadership is going to elect a two-term rookie to lead their party and create the left’s agenda for the next two years, or is this just a ploy to garner votes and play to his ego?

— J. P. Bailes III


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9 thoughts on ““Blue Dog” Shuler is still a puppy

  1. Dan the independant

    Actually, it is possible for him to win. He’ll have support of all the Blue Dogs and the moderate dems. And Pelosi is a lightening rod figure. He’s a peacemaker.

  2. Piffy!

    By Making such a statement, Shuler risks nothing.

    It gives him free publicity, and can be interpreted as anti-Pelosi by those on the Right (cuz she’s such a liberal, dontchaknow) without being too direct about it so as to not offend the Democrats who actually, ultimately vote for him

    [b]He’s a peacemaker. [/b] What’s that mean?

  3. Grant Millin

    Shuler would be #2 in the presidential line of succession. Likely?

    Why is Pelosi a ‘lightning rod figure’. What does that mean? Hasn’t she tried to be peacemaker? Hasn’t she busted her ass to bring ethics back to the House?

  4. Dan the independant

    He’s a peacemaker. What’s that mean?
    It means he doesn’t inflame republicans or dems, can work w/both without them having preconceptions, which leads to partisan deadlocks. He even lives with some repubs.

  5. Clyde Hunnicutt

    Shuler has recently proven he is a BDINO (Blue Dog In Name Only). Shuler has bragged he voted no on Obamacare, and no on the stimulous. But he voted yes on Cap & Trade, which is as UN-BLUE DOG as you can get. The mountain people he purports to represent do not want their electric bills doubled as a “trade” for “our guilt” at using such a large percentage of the world’s energy (sic). Couple that with Shuler’s latest DNC financed slick Washington Beltway-esque, cynical, attack commercial against Miller, and you have a mountain man who went to Washington and was corrupted in just 2 short years.

    Vote for a non-politican. Vote for Jeff Miller.

  6. Piffy!

    Dan, being able to deal with reps and dems isnt just about one side. ALL sides must agree to be bi-partisan or it wont work. As evidenced by current Washington politics and the notable resistance the Republicans have dealing with anyone other than themselves.

  7. dickyfauge

    Clyde is right as always. He make me wish NAMVET was still here. He was the hoss daddy of all. Shuler was corruptable as they come. All liberals are. Thanks Clyde for suming it up and making ti clear to all.

  8. bobaloo

    Good Lord mods:

    “dickyfauge” and “clyde” (and probably “onewhoknows”) are the SAME PERSON namely Cullen Anderson/namvet.
    You moderate people who’ve been here for years yet you are completely clueless when the blog is being trolled by the same idiot.

  9. dhalgren

    Actually bobaloo, I don’t think you’re right about dicky, fauge, and one being the same person. As I recall, namvet was much nastier and a lot sharper than these fellows. Also, they don’t seem to be doing anything other than voicing their (repulsive to me) opinions. Disagreeing with you and I does not automatically make them trolls. Eliminating all dissent would make this a boring place. You’ve already succeeded in eliminating travelah, and others who didn’t subscribe to your milquetoast narrative, who will you purge next? I might also mention it is you who are referring to some of your fellow commentators as “idiots”. In light of that, maybe you shouldn’t be so quick to call in the opinion police. Just saying…

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