Remember, we didn’t all vote for Obama

I understand that many folks are really excited that Obama won the election. I admit, I am one of those people. But I know that out there are people who were as passionate as I was about Obama—but about McCain. Those people felt, with all of their heart, that he was the best man to run the country and that he would make changes that fit with their beliefs. They are saddened by his defeat.

While attending several nonpolitical events in the past few weeks, I have heard speakers make pro-Obama comments that assume everyone in the room is of the same mindset. While I personally agree with the pro-Obama comments, I am also very dismayed by them. I’m the Jewish woman who wrote an editorial last year about a Martin Luther King diversity celebration that never acknowledged the non-Christians in the crowd. I felt unwelcomed. How could I support that same exclusionary behavior against others?

Please, unless the event is a Democratic Party gathering, if you must make a comment about Obama’s victory, do so with some outward acknowledgement that some in the crowd may not have voted for Obama. Just a simple statement, something like, “I realize we’ve all come here tonight having voted from our hearts and that that may have led us to vote for different candidates. I’m glad you all are here. From my own experience, here is what I’m feeling—”

Part of my excitement for Obama is the hope I feel about his ability to hear all sides of the issues and work to unite us. Let’s follow his example.

— Linda Block


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33 thoughts on “Remember, we didn’t all vote for Obama

  1. Dionysis

    The letter raises a valid point. However, as far the notion that there were people out there passionate about McCain, other than Lindsay Graham, Joe Lieberman and Mrs. McCain, it’s hard to identify many others.

  2. Trey

    How about people just grow a freaking backbone and suck it up.

    This politically correct crap has gone on long enough….. it’s turned us into a nation of whiners and tattletales.

  3. Cheshire

    However, as far the notion that there were people out there passionate about McCain, other than Lindsay Graham, Joe Lieberman and Mrs. McCain, it’s hard to identify many others.

    You’re kidding, right? The election was almost a dead heat, and you claim “it’s hard to identify many others”? Come on. You’re trying to tell me you missed all the lawn signs, t-shirts, bumper stickers, and whatnot?

  4. Dionysis

    “You’re kidding, right? The election was almost a dead heat, and you claim “it’s hard to identify many others”? Come on. You’re trying to tell me you missed all the lawn signs, t-shirts, bumper stickers, and whatnot? ”

    No, I did not miss the (relatively) scant number of McCain/Palin bumper stickers, etc. I still maintain that there was a marked lack of passion for the GOP, but a pronounced anti-Obama sentiment. It just wasn’t nearly enough.

  5. Chad Nesbitt


    <>Part of my excitement for Obama is the hope I feel about his ability to hear all sides of the issues and work to unite us<>

    I pray you are right. But there is a lot of hatred
    in your party. And a lot of unanswered questions about Obama in mine.

    Thank you for your article. I liked it.

  6. Ashevegasjoe

    Are you insinuating there is no hatred in your party?? What don’t you know about Obama after two years, 50+ debates, and your party and the Clintons throwing all that mud?

    “Dead Heat”?? Obama won 53% of the popular vote (McCain 46%), and 365 to 173 in the electoral. That was a landslide in modern times.

    I pray you get some restful sleep Chad, you guys are losing it.

  7. Chad Nesbitt


    Are you following me from post to post? Do I need to call the post police and get a restraining order? LOL

    Seriously, show me the hatred in my party.
    I counted 3 debates not 50+.
    And no mud. Just asking questions of Obamas character.

    zzzzzzzzzz snore zzzzzzzzzz snore sleeping fine thank’s for the prayers. Sheep ,sheeeep, zzzzzzz.

  8. dave


    Please list your “unanswered questions”.

    And then explain to me why Mccain and Palin cant both prove they are not from the Planet Xenon. Why? Because the Liberal Media is covering up THE TRUTH!!!!!!!! If they have nothing to hide, then just prove they aren’t space aliens!!!!!

    And dont forget, the Republicans dont want you Or your ‘support’.

  9. Ken Hanke

    Seriously, show me the hatred in my party.

    Uh, Chad, the very name of your own organization, the Carolina Stompers and the macho pose it takes (didn’t we see pictures of boxing gloves being put on and you flexing your muscles?) strongly suggests something other than burgeoning good will.

  10. Chad Nesbitt


    Nutbutter – LOL – Good one.
    What questions? Lay them out man. I’ll answer.

  11. Chad Nesbitt


    Hanke please… you of all people should know marketing when you see it.
    Boxing gloves. A boxing ring. The Carolina Stompers are the “fighting” spirit of conservative causes. We believe in fighting for the future of America. That future is our children. We also believe that there is a culture war waged on these kids. We will defend.

    But hatred? We don’t hate anybody.
    State wide, the Carolina Stompers is over 1500 members strong and we continue to grow.

    Now, show me that hatred in the Republican Party.

  12. Ken Hanke

    Boxing gloves. A boxing ring. The Carolina Stompers are the “fighting” spirit of conservative causes. We believe in fighting for the future of America. That future is our children. We also believe that there is a culture war waged on these kids. We will defend.

    See? No, I’m sure you don’t, but it’s a battle cry to fight — no, actually, to stomp — people who do not share your view of the world. You can dismiss it as marketing, but when you call it that, then you’re tacitly admitting that you’re deliberately playing on the fears and hatreds of others — pandering to them in order to get their support. I don’t know if that isn’t even more morally reprehensible. (Do you even have children, Chad?)

  13. Ashevegasjoe

    I would say that when Trent Lott meets with the C.C.C., the modern K.K.K., that is an endorsement of hatred. He has done so dozens of times, most recently in 2006. You always cite racism in the Dems from decades ago, I give you racism in your modern GOP.

    Also, when you write that liberalism is a disease that can be cured, much like I’m sure you think of homosexuality, that is pretty hateful. I realize you are born a right-wing tool, and sadly, there’s no changing it.

    And if the stompers are over 1500 members strong, why is there so little traffic on the website. I looked at it recently, and there are no comments on any of your stories. Maybe you should do a charity drive to get your members laptops, because that 1500 seems a bit of a stretch. Maybe you had ACORN do your membership list!

  14. Ashevegasjoe

    Yes Chad we are following you– beware. I’m watching you “like a hawk” (boo)

  15. tatuaje

    1500 members strong

    Out of an estimated (2007) 9 million…. (most of whom voted for a Socialist Muslim with ties to terrorists who lied about his own grandmother’s death…)



  16. Chad Nesbitt


    <>but it’s a battle cry to fight—no, actually, to stomp—people who do not share your view of the world<>

    Yes. But not in the literal term. We would never beat up someone for their view.
    Get real Hanke. I really thought you were smarter than this.
    We fight your leftist agenda and your destruction of American values by gaining in numbers and stressing our opinions with television ads.

    These are just a few.

    That last one aired in Raleigh. 2 executives of the NC Democrat Party were arrested for torturing people in satanic rituals. They also raped them.

    We also use other means to stop you.

    Yes. I have a child.

  17. Chad Nesbitt


    Have you tried to comment?

    We stoped the comment section. Some of you spamed us with porn a million times.

    Our site is under new construction as we speak.
    Watch the “Citizens Speak Show” Monday night on Charter Channel 10, 9PM. You will see a part of our new format.

  18. Ken Hanke

    Get real Hanke. I really thought you were smarter than this. We fight your leftist agenda and your destruction of American values by gaining in numbers and stressing our opinions with television ads.

    You get real, Chad. If you honestly don’t think your agenda is fired by hate and fear, then you’re clearly delusional. What’s your phrase, “Stomping liberals and RINOs”? Yeah, that just oozes good fellowship. Oh, that’s right it’s called “marketing,” meaning that you’re trying to sell your guff to the scared and hateful.

    That last one aired in Raleigh. 2 executives of the NC Democrat Party were arrested for torturing people in satanic rituals. They also raped them.

    Yeah? Nothing about that in your “commercial.” Why is that? Why aren’t you supplying the names of these “2 executives?”

    We also use other means to stop you.

    The effectiveness of which is proven by the recent election, I suppose.

  19. Chad Nesbitt


    Hanke said,

    <>Yeah? Nothing about that in your “commercial.” Why is that? Why aren’t you supplying the names of these “2 executives?” <>

    We were trying to help those that might have been approached by members of the NC Democrat Party that are involved in Satanic Rituals.

    These rituals involved rape, starvation, kidnapping, and torture.

    Here you go –

    We found more information about the cult and I think we posted it here with links.

    This is just one of the many reasons we fight with our opinions, ads, talk radio, TV talk shows, and now something new that is coming to the Carolina Stompers.

    Good luck Hanke – I’m tired of talking to you.
    I get disgusted everytime I look back at the leaders of the NC Democrat Party.

  20. dave


    Look at yourself in the mirror and get help Ashe. ”

    No Ad hom attacks there. Nope. Strictly sticking to the topic on that one, Chad.

    “Some of you spamed us with porn a million times. ”

    Is EVERYTHING that happens to you in this big, scary world a liberal conspiracy, Chad? That’s just hilarious. All those ultra-left-wing bloggers out there doing free-lance work for gay midget bestiality porn. Your world must be very difficult to live in. Damn Liberals.

    Oh, and you think your little minority faction of (supposedly) “1500” is relevant or substantial in any way? Wow. I know people with more friends on their Myspace page than you have members. Get out in the world, my distant cousin. There are over 350 million people in the US alone. Your ‘group’ couldn’t carry Jackson County. Maybe you could move to Alaska?

  21. Ken Hanke

    Good luck Hanke – I’m tired of talking to you.

    In other words, Chad, you, as usual, cannot answer the charges of your group being grounded in hatred and sold on fear.

    Your ‘group’ couldn’t carry Jackson County.

    Well, Dave, I was thinking about it, and it strikes me that if they got sufficiently motivated they could probably invade Andrews and give them a run for their money.

  22. Buck

    The election is over. Obama won a clear, decisive victory. It’s time to get behind the future president and move on. Hopefully he’ll be the President of the United States of America not just the blue or red states that voted for him. As far as his opponents are concerned, they lost. America has too many problems to worry over a few hurt feelings.
    Do you think Native Americans are happy when they have to endure hours of John Wayne movies on the 4th of July?

  23. Ashevegasjoe

    I noticed your breaking news on satanic Dems was from several months ago, I wonder why the national news never picked up that story??

    Is your implication that all Dems are satan-worshipping rapists, or is this just a funny side note. I also noted the link you posted is an extremely religious, overtly paranoid website. With five different articles questioning Obama’s country of origin. Do you buy into all of these conspiracies, or just the ones that are most outrageous. You really have no right to call anyone a conspiracy nut after posting those links. I like you Chad, you’re crazy.

  24. Ashevegasjoe

    you probably also voted for Bush,
    he without sin cast the first “you betcha”

  25. Ken Hanke

    Personally, I’m awaiting the first endorsement for Larry the Cable Guy here.

  26. okay so.....

    so aside from the fact that obama isn’t a muslim, and the fact that he wasn’t raised muslim, what exactly makes him a muslim? also what’s wrong with muslims? state your claim plainly.

  27. Cake

    Okay so… said “so aside from the fact that obama isn’t a muslim, and the fact that he wasn’t raised muslim, what exactly makes him a muslim? also what’s wrong with muslims? state your claim plainly”

    Just joining this conversation a bit late but I can tell you why I distrust Muslims- just turn on the news and look at what is happening and has happened in Mumbai, India this past few days. They targeted Christians, Jews, Westerners and anyone that was not Muslim. They hate anyone who is not Muslim. They want to kill anyone who is not Muslim or who will not bow down to Muhammad and Allah. They try to convert by force period.
    That is my claim. I am very libertarian in nature and I do not like anyone to force anything on me. Obama was raised by numerous religious sects, one of which was Muslim. It doesn’t mean he is still Muslim but that is not remotely the reason I did not vote for him. He is a socialist.

  28. dave

    Cake-You could find just as many examples of so-called “Christians” attacking “non-Christians” around the world. The fact that you dont notice this discrepancy belies your own prejudices as well as your own cultural ignorance.
    The people you are referring to would be more accurately referred to as “so-called” Muslims”, just like pro-war Christians are “so-called Christians”.

    In addition, your notion that Barack Obama is a “socialist”, even after he has begun filling his cabinet with very Center and Right of Center individuals ((Lawrence Summers and Timothy Geithner are Socialists?!?) would most certainly show that you dont base your opinions on recognizable fact, but instead on pre-conceived notions and willful ignorance of the facts.

  29. okay whoa.

    Is that what THEY do? Do “they” want to kill anyone who isn’t muslim? Is that what “they” do? “They” meaning muslims? What a perfect example of an ignorant stereotype. A profoundly retarded blanket statement.
    And quite frankly, yes: Obama’s tax plan is a pretty socialist one. And it’s exactly what this country needs right now. And is it redistribution of wealth? Yes. And it’s exactly what this country needs right now. Let’s face it; the economy sucks. We have the most rampantly capitalist economic system in the world, and look where it’s gotten us. Introducing one “socialist” idea might just help us put things into perspective. There isn’t anything in the constitution or the declaration of independence that says anything about the united states being strictly capitalist. It’s really not going to dissolve the fabric of America.
    I will never see $250,000 in my entire lifetime. And there are people in this country who make that much money every year?! And they’re complaining about taxes? It only costs so much to live, dude. And you are fortunate enough to live in a country where you have had the opportunity to be so incredibly prosperous. You’ve benefitted so much from this economy in this great country of ours. And taxes are the fee for profitting from this economy in such a way. Live with it.
    Quite frankly, if you make more than a $250,000 per year and you’re calling obama a socialist because he wants to take away tax cuts you know you never should have gotten in the first place, then you’re being greedy and dishonest.
    If you make more than $250,000 per year and you’re trying to tell me that you can’t afford to pay taxes at the same rate you were paying them eight years ago, then you’re being greedy and dishonest. Sorry.
    It’s time to wake up, people. It’s 2008, we’re all in this togeter, and I would happily pay higher taxes in a national effort to improve our economy and our country. And I make far less than $250,000 a year.

  30. Thanks okay whoa. You took the words right out of my mouth. Our country was actually founded with a number of models which in our modern day would be called “socialist”, particularly the slogan that can be seen on our money “E PLURIBUS UNUM”. Totally socialist.

    You gotta remember that the United States was not founded on any economic system, but a political system, namely a constitutional republic, based on Democratic principles. When you say “socialism”, it is not a political system (that’s Communism), but a system of economy that tries to even things out over the society, so that no one suffers. Sort of an “all for one and one for all” sort of thing. It is not a political system that requires you to believe in anything, but an economic and social system that does in fact “spread the wealth”. This system allows the rich to support the rest of society, unlike ours, where most of society supports the rich.

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