Re-education may be necessary

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I wish I could make 45-50K a year and only work 9 months. I think if we are going to pay teachers a larger salary, they should work year round and help kids who need help in the summer months. There’s plenty of stupid kids out there that could use the extra help, and then people wouldn’t complain as much about all these ungrateful teachers.
Uh huh, fact check time.
-45-50k per year? Sure. Subtract paying out of pocket for any classroom supplies or handing over your lunch to the kid who forgot it or Mom n Pop just don’t care to send one.
-9 months per year? Nope, you attend meetings/planning sessions/training seminars on your own time for summer.
-“stupid kids”- the apple don’t fall to far from the tree I suppose.
-“ungrateful teachers” yeah, how dare they go on strike for low pay, paying out of pocket for supplies, being vilified by the political right for making the world a better place, acting as de facto parents who do not parent (it’s a verb too!), and oh yeah getting shot in their own classroom.
Whatta buncha ingrates!
PS many teachers want year round schools, but whiny parents won’t give up precious ‘vacay’ time.
PS PS you’ll most likely find teachers working multiple jobs in the summer months tutoring, food n bev business, anything to put food in the mouth as opposed to the urban myth that they are fed grapes and fanned with palm leaves like a Roman emperor.
Ummm, you should try teaching. Really, you should.
Go get a NC teaching licensure (which costs $ obviously), then student teach (you don’t get paid), then beg a job from a school. Then stay up late every night grading papers/lesson plans, then play ‘firefighter’ catering to every whiny parent’s whims when their precious angel isn’t perfect (phone calls/emails/conferences on your own time), then attend fundraisers for the schools on your own time, and throw yourself in front of your students when an active shooter shows up before you are labeled a Soros- funded crisis actor the next day on Hannity’s show.
Trust me, you’ll love it.
The few, the proud, the teachers.
Thank you for your service. Hoo ah!
Semper Fi!
News Flash! Every job is like this…not just teaching. People pay out of their own pocket for all kinds of things for their job that are not reimbursed. Teachers belly ache about everything. I wish teachers would go work another job and see that they have it pretty darn good. Most teachers I know couldn’t make it 1 year in a full year round job that has greater expectations for job performance than teaching. My job doesn’t stop at 5pm…I’m on the computer until midnight sometimes later working on proposals, presentation, writing reports, answering emails, etc…I think teachers believe everybody else just stops working at 5pm and doesn’t show back up until 9am.
Try it. You’ll love the grey hairs it gives you.
And I work 3 other jobs and I love your waah waah.
Can you name your children’s teachers by first name?
Have you ever thanked them for their service?
Hmmmm. You got it so tough.
One more- what the fart school starts at 9am, and are they hiring?