Alan Muskrat, founder of No Taste Like Home, discusses the ways loneliness fuels addictions, the importance of community and seeking peace within one’s own body.

Alan Muskrat, founder of No Taste Like Home, discusses the ways loneliness fuels addictions, the importance of community and seeking peace within one’s own body.
Day ToDaily delivers hot and cold beverages to downtown coffee enthusiasts. Also: Baba Nahm and Bear’s Smokehouse join forces, a local chef is featured on a National Geographic cooking series and more local food news.
Although gleaning dinner from nature inherently offers some freedom from the social framework, COVID-19’s disruptions still reached many locals who normally take to the outdoors in spring to gather ramps, morels and other seasonal morsels.
July marks peak season for gathering wild edible mushroom in Western North Carolina, and many tasty varieties are already popping up on local restaurant menus.
Although some question its overall sustainability, Blue Ridge Biofuels’ Field to Fryer to Fuel program is transitioning to a new facility and on the verge of expansion.
Long overlooked as a source of nutrition, acorns are nutritious, plentiful and free for the taking.
Asheville writer, audio documentarian and singer-songwriter Carla Seidl wraps up her two-year local foods project, Earth Flavors, with a reflection on what she learned from her many interviews with local growers and foragers.
A local search for tiny tubers leads to a discovery of Cherokee fairy folk and an exploration of Chinese medical lore.
Often considered a weed, locally prolific lambsquarter is actually a highly nutritious wild edible that we can harvest for free in our own backyards.
Foragers live along a spectrum, and I’m fairly moderate, somewhere on the tamer end. I tag along occasionally with those who hew to a wilder code of living and eat closer to the land. The other day I served as assistant to well-known local, Alan Muskat, “The Mushroom Man,” on a wild foods tour he had arranged for some out-of-towners.
Far from the lawn nuisance it’s often considered in our culture, the dandelion has actually been celebrated since ancient times as one of the world’s top health-promoting herbs. Chris Smith of Sow True Seed offers several tasty and nutritious ways to prepare this easily identifiable and abundant wild edible.
Crowds of locals and visitors converged on the Western North Carolina Agricultural Center Saturday and Sunday, April 11-12, to take in the sights, sounds and tastes of the 2015 Mother Earth News Fair. Click through for a slideshow of photos by Tori Pace.
Organic Growers School will hold its first annual Harvest Conference at A-B Tech on Saturday, Sept. 6. The event strives to give urban farmers, homesteaders and backyard growers successful tips for fall and winter growing through workshops.