“It came to my attention that the local newspaper is promoting someone who is not a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians tribe.”

“It came to my attention that the local newspaper is promoting someone who is not a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians tribe.”
Project founder Jared Wheatley and Asheville entrepreneurs discuss the “You Are On Cherokee Land” sign initiative.
Indigenous Markets launches Saturday, Jan. 21 at 46 Aston St. Also: 7 Clans Brewing and the Trucking Delicious food truck team up for the first 2023 Sunday Brunch event; Bold Rock hosts free palm reading event; and more!
The Oct. 20-23 event united artists from across the U.S., representing 10 different Indigenous nations.
The Orange Peel celebrate Halloween with a mock beauty pageant. Plus, Indigenous artists will create murals in downtown Asheville, Mills River hosts its first movie night and Black Mountain honors Roberta Flack.
Jared Wheatley’s mural project seeks to stimulate conversations between Native and non-Native people.