Lemon pizza and rye pasta are on the menu at the recently opened Luminosa restaurant. Also in this week’s local food news, 10th Muse Comfort Food reopens, Vowl cocktail bar debuts at DSSOLVR, Asheville Beauty Academy closes and much more.

Lemon pizza and rye pasta are on the menu at the recently opened Luminosa restaurant. Also in this week’s local food news, 10th Muse Comfort Food reopens, Vowl cocktail bar debuts at DSSOLVR, Asheville Beauty Academy closes and much more.
Just Economics Executive Director Vicki Meath discusses the homebrew festival’s legacy and return to Beer Week.
Heidi Dunkelberg and Jesse Latriano discuss their prize-winning beverages from the annual Just Economics fundraiser.
“I was floored when they called my name,” says the award-winning homebrewer. “I felt so humbled and thrilled that a beer I dreamed of and created was a hit.
**UPDATED WITH COMPLETE WINNERS LIST** Erich Seigler’s and Brent Kilby’s Don’t Build a Wall Mexican Lager took home Xpress’ Kings of the Mountain award.
One of AVL Beer Week’s standout events moves to Wedge at Foundation for 2018.
Local homebrewers Tim LaBruyere and David Maida brought home prizes for their exceptional beers.
Swannanoa homebrewer Aaron Fish earned two awards while the Mills River team of Jesse Helm and Tyler Perry were crowned Kings of the Mountain by the Xpress judges.
Fonta Flora Brewery’s State of Origin festival and the Just Brew It homebrew tasting and competition showcase local brewers and ingredients.
WNC beverage enthusiasts are harnessing the kick of ginger in their alcoholic and nonalcoholic brews.
Local homebrewers have something to look forward to with the inaugural Asheville Homebrewers Conference set to happen in August. Also, take a look at one Asheville homebrewer’s award-winning white muscadine pale ale.
Asheville writer and craft beer enthusiast Edwin Arnaudin reports on his first visit to Just Economics’ Just Brew It homebrew festival.
It’s a long, beer-loaded week, with a three-day round of festivals the first weekend. Here are a few highlights.
Karnowski is leaving the red-hot Slope to build a brewery of his own with his wife, Gabe, in Weaverville. “My brewery will be in a cool old firehouse right behind Main Street [at 8 Merchant Alley],” says Karnowski. “It will be fun to bring it back to life.”
Asheville Beer Week’s Just Brew It! Homebrew Festival is one of the most interesting events of the year. All stripes of homebrewers showcase all sorts of beer, with no commercial constraints (you know, like worrying if anyone is willing to buy it). So if a brewer is passionate about classic styles, she might serve a stellar Belgian Golden Strong or Altbier. The IPA-obsessed keep multiple taps of hoppy goodness flowing. And of course there are the mad scientists.