“Asheville-area workers and families — regardless of race, gender or job status — would become a healthier, more financially secure local workforce.”

“Asheville-area workers and families — regardless of race, gender or job status — would become a healthier, more financially secure local workforce.”
“When he talks of opposing ‘the far left’s schemes,’ I wonder, is this a reference to constituents like me who support Medicare for All and Democratic Socialist institutions like public schools and libraries, the police and fire departments, highways, roads, bridges?”
“No one foresaw the COVID-19 pandemic, a condition that has now made Medicare for All a much more urgent issue.”
“My story hardly registers on the health care scale of misery. Others have experienced far worse, losing their life savings for not being ‘in network.'”
“Given that Asheville is a blue wavelet in a red congressional sea (N.C. Districts Nos. 10 and 11), I’m surprised Rep. Patrick McHenry still holds town hall meetings in Asheville.”
“Because of Medicare, my treatment was not prohibitively expensive. This is the quality of care that should be, and can be, available to all.”
“Americans are tired of paying too much for health care. We are fed up with politicians pursuing partial and incremental solutions, such as health savings accounts.”
“There will be an educational forum on ‘Healthcare for All: Good for Busine$$,’ on Tuesday, Feb. 27, 7-8:30 p.m. at A-B Tech Ferguson Auditorium, sponsored by HealthCare for All WNC, a regional chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program.”
“Just imagine — some $17 trillion in savings, and health care for everyone!”
“To learn more and voice your opinions, come to The District 11 Medicare for All Town Hall in Waynesville, 285 N Main St., on April 23, 3-5 p.m.”