“In those precious column inches, you are a genuine local newspaper.”

“In those precious column inches, you are a genuine local newspaper.”
“I miss things that are suddenly no longer appearing in the Citizen Times (after 16 years, I am thinking of surrendering my subscription) and wish your paper would publish more editorials and letters to the editor.”
“I would encourage you to expand it to cover national and international issues so that writers of letters to the editor have more topics they can speak to, and your readers will be exposed to more food for thought.”
I’m 67, a retired professional, fairly intelligent and haven’t voted for years. I think all the hyperbolic fear about Trump is laughable. From my long range perspective ALL politicians have lied, do lie and will lie to get in office. The presidency is a four year job for someone to sit in the ‘hub’ seat […]
There are naming rights and there are naming not-so-rights.
Thanks to a couple of Supreme Court rulings earlier in the week, October 10, 2014, was a historic date after which, a same-sex couple could register to get married, but they could no longer register to vote in the November elections.
Guest columnist Jodi Ford looks at how the loss of the Earned Income Tax Credit may affect area families. This article is featured as part of a partnership between the Xpress and Children First/ Communities In Schools of Buncombe County.
In this opinion column, UNC-TV host D.G. Martin writes that Sen. Martin Nesbitt stayed true to his populist roots.
In order to create a Big Ideas timeline that represents the diverse history of Asheville, Xpress invites the community to submit the big ideas that they feel have shaped the city and area we live in today.
On Oct. 15, Buncombe County Register of Deeds Drew Reisinger became the first in the South to accept same-sex marriage licenses, setting off a torrent of media attention and online commentary.
As hopes of a progressive North Carolina crumble into ruin, there is renewed interest in an LGBT community center in the city that, two years ago, a state senator dubbed “the cesspool of sin” because of its domestic-partner registry.
Everyone, please, just relax! The new North Carolina Voter ID Law simply compares to the election laws already existing in most of the other states.
Asheville looked pretty easy to master, on the maps, but not long after I moved here from Phoenix, Ariz., I learned a few lessons about directions and misperceptions..
With Asheville garnering significantly less votes in the annual Beer City USA online poll than it did in 2012, does that mean our hearts are no longer in our pint glasses? Have we lost our Beer City spirit? Or with MLive reporting that Grand Rapids tourism marketers waged a highly organized campaign, maybe it’s more of a reflection on our commerce officials? Whatever the case, local residents shared their thoughts on a variety of online mediums this week, expressing everything from disappointment to good riddance.
Amid the lawsuits and budget wrangling, Asheville City Council elections are approaching. There’s something clearly missing in the media speculation about who will run and win: electronic versions of ancient Chinese prophecy. Here’s what my I-Ching phone app says about each campaign, along with some agricultural and marital advice.
Micheal Dowd used to spend his time passing out fundamentalist Christian pamphlets on the street and arguing with anyone who thought the world was more than a few thousand years old. He was directly threatened by the idea of evolution.
As Buncombe native Jason Langberg celebrated the birth of his son, he wrote a letter: “Dearest Everett Lewis… ”
Our little city is on the front lines of a full-blown worldview war — self-interest and sustainability.
We've been working on the sustainability issue for weeks, and I thought I was off the hook. As staff photographer, I get to dodge a lot of big questions. In fact, I consider dodging questions to be part of my job description.