“While political polarization may have soared to extreme levels over recent years, I hope most of us here in WNC can agree that we want to protect — not develop — our forests.”

“While political polarization may have soared to extreme levels over recent years, I hope most of us here in WNC can agree that we want to protect — not develop — our forests.”
“I’m writing this to encourage younger adults, parents, teachers, workers, and peace and justice activists to recognize they are not alone in the longing and quest for a better way of life on our planet.”
“An incident like the Ohio disaster could wreck tourism, not to mention our everyday lives, for many years.”
“Edwards likes to tout his ‘mountain values’ and business expertise. I don’t share those values, and, with Trump, we’ve seen that a businessman does not always make a good public servant.”
“However, I get confused applying the term conserve, as stated by Mr. [Carl] Mumpower, to a few of the 95 regulations the current administration has rolled back.”
The Council of Independent Business Owners hosted a debate at Highland Brewing Company between two candidates for the District 10 seat in the U.S. House of Representatives: Incumbent Patrick McHenry, a Republican, and challenger David Wilson Brown, a Democrat.
“How unfortunate that those three standards appear to have been rejected by Mr. Mumpower and the administration he supports.”
“Instead of being given the opportunity to build a better and safer life, as my family was, immigrant families are literally being torn apart for political theater. Seeking asylum is not in of itself a crime.”