“So some friends and I drove up there for a little spooky fun, and I turned the car off.”
Tag: WNC Scary Stories
Showing 1-7 of 7 results
WNC Scary Stories: Unexplained happenings at the Kenilworth Inn
“About 3:30 a.m., I suddenly awoke. My two cats were sitting on the floor, staring right above me.”
WNC Scary Stories: Do spirits still roam the Old Kentucky Home?
Was it a house of death and tumult or a peaceful place? Tom Muir, historic site manager at the Thomas Wolfe Memorial, considers the Old Kentucky Home during its heyday and the spirits that may still linger there.
WNC Scary Stories: Passing by the cemetery
“As we approached the curve at the cemetery on the hill at the Baptist church, imagine my surprise …”
WNC Scary Stories: A mysterious entrance
“After that night, many times we would be sitting in the same room and suddenly smell a waft of perfume, as if someone just walked by.”
WNC Scary Stories: A presence in the forest
“After seven months on a mountain, a lot of the forest’s sounds become normal. Not this night.”
WNC Scary Stories: A visit to Zealandia Mansion
“Fifty years ago, when I was a teenager, two carloads of us went up to the Zealandia Mansion to see the legendary ghost.”