Chad Nesbitt doesn’t have one good thing to say about liberals. “They’ve taken over this town,” he says. “They’ve raised the taxes sky-high. They’ve taken over the churches, which are becoming more liberal all the time.” He could go on.
What pains Nesbitt the most, however, is his own party’s lack of oomph, at least at the local level. “We just don’t see any fighting spirit coming out of the Republican Party,” he complains.
Nesbitt uses the word “we” a lot these days, referring to the organization he recently founded, Carolina Stompers. The group’s aim, described at its Web site, is to “Stomp out Liberals and RINOs [Republicans in Name Only] for Our Children’s Future.” Its symbol is the elephant rampant, a cigar prominent between its gritted teeth.
Longtime Buncombe County residents will know Nesbitt—who happens to be the stepson of Martin Nesbitt, the Democratic state senator—as a foe of liberalism in all its pervasive forms. They will know him as a truth-seeker, a righter of wrongs, an enemy of zoning, a video producer and sometimes TV and radio personality.
Nowadays, he serves notice on political corruption at the local and state level, as well as behaviors that get a negative treatment in The Good Book. He has allies in this effort, including his wife, Nancy Nesbitt, along with Don Yelton, Zora Hayes, Paul Perdue, former state senator R.L. Clark and others.
What does a Stomper stand for? “Common sense, for one,” says Nesbitt, “and Christian values.” The group also believes in supporting the men and women fighting the Iraq war. “You constantly see the Western North Carolina Peace Coalition talking about our soldiers like they’re dogs,” he charges. “Well, they’ve taken the fight to the enemy. You just have to look at the record: There hasn’t been one terrorist act on American soil since 9/11.”
In more local affairs, Nesbitt et al hope to see Republicans vaulted to success in upcoming elections. “Carl Mumpower [who recently announced plans to run for Congress in 2008], we endorse him 100 percent,” he says. “And Selina Sullivan. And Matt Hebb. And Bill Russell. And Bobby Johnston. [All of whom are Asheville City Council candidates.] These are all conservatives with an ‘R’ by their names.”
And let it be known that the Buncombe County Republican Party isn’t spared the threat of Carolina Stompers’ ample foot. “They’re not going about things the right way,” Nesbitt says. “But we hope they’ll follow our lead and watch what we do. Maybe then we’ll start winning elections.”
Just curious…does Chad have any specific examples of the WNC Peace Coalition talking about soldiers like they’re dogs?
Excellent article on “Carolina Stompers”. Don’t
know where Chad came up with that wonderful
ELEPHANT. I love it! Boy, does this town need
Chad. My last name does not have an “e”. They
have it incorrect in Carolina Stompers. Keep up
the open lines of communication in our community,
clear and unbiased. Zora
Thank you very much for this article.
We look forward to having “Live” debates with the Democrats and would like very much for the Mountain Xpress to be apart of them.
Your paper gets thicker and thicker every week I read it. Keep it up! If Carolina Stompers can answer any question for you and your readers we would be happy to answer them.
Show me a time that they don’t!
Keep watching
We will show you soon. Our current fight now is with the BC Democrat Party honoring a “white supremacist” at the Vance / Aycock Dinner.
Thank you for your kind words! And thank you for being my friend and a major part of Carolina Stompers. I’ll take care of that “e”. Ha Ha.
Chad Nesbitt
President – Carolina Stompers
Oh Chad, you really like the word ‘President’ next to your name don’t you. You’re funny.
Show you one time the Peace Coalition DIDN’T talk about soldiers like they’re dogs?
Despicable comment even for you, Chad. You know very well that a significant number of local peace activists are veterans, and that the WNC Peace Coalition has reached out to include all and have a respectful dialog with all, even those who they disagree with. Just because they believe differently than you doesn’t give you the right to slander these former soldiers and all peace activists. How desperate for attention are you?
Remind me to send you some money – with you as the self-appointed spokesperson for local conservatives, I predict solid liberal victories for years to come.
I told you to keep watching Carolina Stompers.
We will show you soon.
You guy’s realy reached out to the other side all right when you beat your drums and protested our soldiers during the SOS Suport Our Soldiers Pray Rally in 2001.
When you protest the war you are protesting the soldiers.
The ones that are desperate for attention is you the peace activist. I don’t see any war supporters standing at Pritchard Park dressed in costumes with flashy signs and a microphone.
Realy now, when have you guys picked up the phone and called a conservitive organization and said “Hey man, come on down to Pritchard Park and lets talk this thing over?”
I tell you what! We will come to you!
1. Should the United States Military be at war in the Middle East?
2. Does the peace coalitions hurt the US Soldier
and US citizens by protesting the war?
Two 3 people teams
Moderated by the Mountain Xpress
Sponcored by Carolina Stompers
Televised and broadcast Live via internet.
I am serious.
You can reach me at
By the way, on another subject.
How do you feel about the Buncombe County Democrat Party honoring a “white supremacist”
(Charles Aycock) at there largest fundraiser of the year the Vance / Aycock Dinner?
Chad Nesbitt
Chad, sweetie…you and George the Worst obviously slept through history class…….
….the middle east beat out the Russians after 10 years. The only reason the brits lasted as long as they did in the early 20th century (when THEY created Iraq) was because the empire was everywhere and had the military culture and power to enforce its will…… the US has lots of deadly weapons, including uranium coatings on the shellsthat our soldiers will pay for with their lives , but they don'[t have the manpower to carry out KingGeorge’s vision of america as world empire.
Hell, no they shouldn’t be in the middle east, but R’s are better at the tactics of winning, learned from Hitler, than they are at absorbing the lessons of history and actually governing in the best interests of their country.
Don’t I recall from my history class something about our govt being By, Of, and For the People?
You bunch seem to think that your 33% *plus or minus) of the population is all the People that count. And we “liberals” let you get away with it because most of us are live and let live folks instead of armchair Comstock warriors.
YOu think your taxes are high? Get over that. Your kids, grandkids and great grandkids will curse us for spending what your leader is spending on this useless war. Their taxes will be sky high. Or the debt will have to be repudiated…oh, my, I’d like to see your face the day that happens and you read your own financial report.
Get real guy..churches are their own business and who died and left you in charge to complaln if they are not?
You sound like a spoiled brat with too much time on his hands and no good works to keep you out of mischief, IMHO.