Bearfootin’ 2022 bears to be revealed May 12 at Visitors Center Stage

Press release from the City of Hendersonville Downtown Program:

The Friends of Downtown Hendersonville welcomes the public to witness the unveiling of 20 new works of bear art! The 20th annual Bearfootin’ Art Walk program will hold the reveal event from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 12 at the outdoor Visitors Center Stage at 201 South Main Street.
The reveal will focus on stories about each individual bear’s creation, providing behind-the-scenes insight on what inspired the artist and motivates the mission of the nonprofit beneficiary chosen by the sponsors. Attendees are welcome to bring their own chair for comfortable enjoyment of the event.
After the reveal, the bears will take to their posts on Main Street to bring joy to passersby until the auction in October. Last year’s record-setting auction raised $100,000 for local charities, and the Friends of Downtown Hendersonville hopes to continue the tradition of giving this year. The auction is scheduled for October 15, 2022, with virtual bidding opening up in September (stay tuned for more details).
Additional information about the 2022 Bearfootin’ Art Walk can be found at or by contacting Downtown Events Coordinator Meredith Friedheim at 828-233-3205 or
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