Next phase of Comprehensive Plan sets sights on policies and actions

Press release from Buncombe County:

After thousands of community members provided input to guide the development of the Buncombe County Comprehensive Plan, staff have moved to the next phase of the planning process. The first public input phase wrapped up earlier this year, and several key themes around visions and goals emerged:

  • Equity
  • Housing
  • Governance
  • Infrastructure
  • Community Health
  • Environmental Protection
  • Transportation
  • Sustainable Development

When asked what they liked most about Buncombe County, the top two answers were the natural environment and the people.

Phase 3

Phase 3 of the planning process focuses on analyzing the information received so far and developing more specific policies and actions based on the community priorities gathered in the initial outreach. The community is invited to take the Phase 3 poll to tell us what policy choices the County should make for each focus area. Draft policies and actions will be created based on this phase of public input.

Community outreach will continue to take place throughout the planning process with a focus on giving everyone the chance to participate. In-person drop-in events will be held from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. on July 19 at Enka-Candler Library and from 5-7 p.m. on Aug. 2 at East Asheville Library. Virtual events will be held from 6-7 p.m. on July 26 and Aug. 22. Register for virtual meetings here: Staff will also engage with the community at multiple intercept events throughout the county over the next two months.

Can’t make an event? The community can participate through an online poll:

The Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee will meet on Tuesday, July 12 to continue discussing vision themes and goals for the Plan and start reviewing proposed policies and actions. That meeting will be streamed live on and Buncombe County’s Facebook page.

Next steps

With the input gathered from this phase of plan development, the 2043 Comprehensive Plan will be drafted, with opportunities for the community to weigh in before its anticipated adoption in the spring of 2023.


A comprehensive plan is used by local governments as a broad, long-range planning tool for the community. Buncombe’s plan will focus on the next 20-year period and will look at the relationships between land uses, infrastructure, and key community needs. Follow the plan’s progress, sign up for newsletter updates, and learn more at

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