YMI Cultural Center grand re-opening event Thursday, Sept. 26 at 10 a.m.

Press release from the YMI Cultural Center

The YMI Cultural Center is thrilled to announce the grand reopening of its historic building on September 26, 2024, from 10:00 a.m.- 12:00p .m. The community is invited to join in celebrating this significant milestone as the YMI unveils its beautifully renovated spaces and embraces a vibrant future.

The event will feature a ribbon-cutting ceremony with remarks from board members, community leaders and special recognition of the organizations that supported the renovation project. Their vital contributions along with the collective support of the community have played a crucial role in the revitalization of this landmark.

The YMI Cultural Center, a cornerstone of Asheville’s historic Black business district, has undergone a transformative renovation, enhancing its ability to serve as a vibrant community hub. The revitalization includes upgrades to the historic auditorium and gallery, as well as new versatile spaces, including a modern conference room, flexible classroom and workshop areas, and an upgraded catering kitchen. With state-of-the-art AV technology integrated throughout, the YMI is well-equipped to support the diverse needs of the community it has served for over 130 years, catering to a wide range of events, from community celebrations to business meetings and more. This beloved building, which has hosted theatrical performances, jazz concerts, dances, community gatherings, and even basketball games, continues its legacy as a vital space for cultural, educational, and social activities.

The grand reopening marks the beginning of a renewed vision for the YMI Cultural Center. With newly revitalized spaces, the Center is poised to host a wide array of experiences that will engage and inspire the community, all while paying tribute to its founders’ legacy. The YMI aims to deepen its connection to Asheville’s vibrant cultural scene and provide even greater opportunities for celebrating and sharing Black heritage.

The YMI Cultural Center extends its sincere gratitude to the following organizations whose generous contributions made the renovation possible: Buncombe County, Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority, Cannon Foundation, City of Asheville, Dogwood Health Trust, National Park Service, National Trust for Historic Preservation, and Self Help. Their support has been instrumental in preserving and enhancing this important piece of Asheville’s history.

Event Details:

Date: Thursday, September 26, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: YMI Cultural Center, 39 S Market St, Asheville, NC 28801
Admission: Free
For more information, visit ymiculturalcenter.org or contact info@ymiculturalcenter.org.

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